public class


extends Object
implements Parcelable
   ↳ com.pdftron.pdf.config.ToolManagerBuilder

Class Overview

ToolManagerBuilder is a helper for constructing ToolManager with xml configuration and set ToolManager to PDFViewCtrl

For example, you can initialize ToolManager as following:

  ToolManager toolManager = ToolManagerBuilder
      .build(getActivity(), mPDFViewCtrl);
where mPDFViewCtrl is an instance of PDFViewCtrl


Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
public static final Creator<ToolManagerBuilder> CREATOR
Public Methods
ToolManagerBuilder addAnnotStyleProperty(AnnotStyleProperty annotStyleProperty)
Add an AnnotStyleProperty used to hide annotation style properties in the annotation style dialog.
ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool(Tool tool, Object... params)
Add customized tool
ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool(ToolManager.ToolModeBase toolMode, Class<? extends Tool> toolClass, Object... params)
Add customized tool
ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool(ToolManager.ToolModeBase toolMode, Class<? extends Tool> toolClass)
Add customized tool
ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool(Tool tool)
Add customized tool
ToolManager build(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment fragment)
Building tool manager by given PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 or PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 and sets fragment listener
ToolManager build(FragmentActivity activity, PDFViewCtrl pdfViewCtrl)
Building tool manager by given PDFViewCtrl
int describeContents()
ToolManagerBuilder disableAnnotEditing(int[] annotTypes)
Disable editing by annot type in tool manager
ToolManagerBuilder disableToolModes(ToolMode[] toolModes)
Disable tool modes in tool manager
ToolManagerBuilder disableUpdateModifyDateAnnotTypes(int[] annotTypes)
Disable updating last modified date by annot type in tool manager
ToolManagerBuilder disableUpdateModifyDateFieldTypes(int[] fieldTypes)
Disable updating last modified date by widget field type in tool manager
ToolManagerBuilder freeTextInlineToggleEnabled(boolean freeTextInlineToggleEnabled)
Sets whether to show the FreeText inline toggle button
static ToolManagerBuilder from()
Creates a new ToolManagerBuilder for constructing ToolManager.
static ToolManagerBuilder from(Context context, int styleRes)
Creates a new ToolManagerBuilder for constructing ToolManager.
Set<ToolManager.ToolMode> getDisabledToolModes(Context context)
boolean getShowUndoRedo()
ToolManagerBuilder setAddImage(boolean addImage)
Sets whether user can add stamper image
ToolManagerBuilder setAlwaysDrawWithFingerAndStylus(boolean alwaysDrawWithFingerAndStylus)
Sets whether finger and stylus should always be able to draw annotations.
ToolManagerBuilder setAnnotPermission(boolean annotPermission)
Sets whether to check annotation author permission
ToolManagerBuilder setAnnotToolbarPrecedence(ToolMode[] toolModes)
This method is deprecated. this property is no longer in use for the new UI use addToolbarBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder) instead An array that determines which tool icon should show when space is limited (portrait mode on small devices when collapsed)
ToolManagerBuilder setAnnotationLayerEnabled(boolean annotationLayerEnabled)
Sets whether to enable annotation layer
ToolManagerBuilder setAutoResizeFreeText(boolean autoResizeFreeText)
Sets whether can auto resize free text when editing
ToolManagerBuilder setAutoSelect(boolean autoSelect)
Sets whether auto select annotation after annotation is created
ToolManagerBuilder setBuildInPageIndicator(boolean buildInPageIndicator)
Indicates whether to use/show the built-in page number indicator.
ToolManagerBuilder setCopyAnnot(boolean copyAnnot)
Sets whether to copy annotated text to note.
ToolManagerBuilder setDefaultStoreNewSignature(boolean defaultStoreNewSignature)
Sets whether "Store signature" setting in the CreateSignatureFragment dialog should be enabled or disabled by default.
ToolManagerBuilder setDigitalSignatureKeystorePassword(String digitalSignatureKeystorePassword)
Sets the digital signature keystore password
ToolManagerBuilder setDigitalSignatureKeystorePath(String digitalSignatureKeystorePath)
Sets the digital signature keystore file path
ToolManagerBuilder setDisableEditingAnnotTypesId(int disableEditingAnnotId)
Sets disabled editing annot type reference int id
ToolManagerBuilder setDisableQuickMenu(boolean disableQuickMenu)
Sets whether disable showing the long press quick menu
ToolManagerBuilder setDisableToolModesId(int disableToolModesId)
Sets disabled tool modes reference array id
ToolManagerBuilder setDoubleTapToZoom(boolean doubleTapToZoom)
Sets whether can double tap to zoom.
ToolManagerBuilder setEditFreeTextOnTap(boolean editFreeTextOnTap)
Sets whether can edit freetext annotation on tap
ToolManagerBuilder setEditInk(boolean editInk)
Sets whether user can edit ink annotation
ToolManagerBuilder setEditingExternalRichContentEnabled(boolean editingExternalRichContentEnabled)
Sets whether editing of external FreeText with rich content is enabled.
ToolManagerBuilder setEraserType(Eraser.EraserType type)
Sets the eraser type.
ToolManagerBuilder setFreeHandTimerEnabled(boolean freehandTimerEnabled)
Sets whether free hand annotations are saved on a timer basis.
ToolManagerBuilder setFreeHighlighterAutoSmoothingRange(float autoSmoothingRange)
Sets how wide the range would be for auto smoothing vertical and horizontal strokes, in dp independent of zoom.
ToolManagerBuilder setFreeTextFontsFromAssets(String[] fontsName)
Sets custom font list from Assets for free text tool if sets font list from Assets, then it is not possible to set font list from storage The system fonts list won't load anymore
ToolManagerBuilder setFreeTextFontsFromStorage(String[] fontsPath)
Sets custom font list from device storage for free text tool if font list from Assets is not set, then it's possible to set font list from storage The system fonts list won't load anymore
ToolManagerBuilder setInkMultiStrokeEnabled(boolean inkMultiStrokeEnabled)
Sets whether multi-stroke is enabled for ink tool
ToolManagerBuilder setInkSmoothing(boolean inkSmoothing)
Sets whether to smooth ink annotation.
ToolManagerBuilder setInsertMultipleImagesEnabled(boolean insertMultipleImagesEnabled)
Sets whether image stamp tool can insert multiple images.
ToolManagerBuilder setLoupeEnabled(boolean loupeEnabled)
Sets the magnifying loupe when using text markup.
ToolManagerBuilder setMoveAnnotationBetweenPages(boolean moveAnnotBetweenPages)
Sets whether to allow moving annotations between pages
ToolManagerBuilder setMultiSelectMode(AnnotEditRectGroup.SelectionMode mode)
Sets the multi-select mode.
ToolManagerBuilder setOpenToolbar(boolean openToolbar)
Sets whether ink tool will open annotation toolbar
ToolManagerBuilder setPdfContentEditingEnabled(boolean pdfContentEditingEnabled)
Sets whether to show option to edit original PDF content.
ToolManagerBuilder setPersistStoreSignatureSetting(boolean persistStoreSignatureSetting)
Sets whether to use the user's last set "Store signature" setting in the CreateSignatureFragment dialog.
ToolManagerBuilder setRealTimeAnnotEdit(boolean realTimeAnnotEdit)
Sets whether annotation editing is real time
ToolManagerBuilder setRestrictedTapAnnotCreation(boolean restrictedTapAnnotCreation)
Sets whether to allow tap to create annotations on another type of annotation, for example for free text and sticky note.
ToolManagerBuilder setSelectionBoxMargin(int selectionBoxMargin)
Sets the margin between annotation bounding box and selection box.
ToolManagerBuilder setShowAnnotIndicator(boolean showAnnotIndicator)
Sets whether can show indicator for annotations with comments
ToolManagerBuilder setShowAuthor(boolean showAuthor)
ets whether to show author dialog the first time when user annotates.
ToolManagerBuilder setShowRichContentOption(boolean showRichContentOption)
Sets whether to show rich content switch for FreeText.
ToolManagerBuilder setShowRotateHandle(boolean showRotateHandle)
Sets whether to show rotate handle when annotation selected
ToolManagerBuilder setShowSavedSignatures(boolean showSavedSignatures)
Sets whether can show saved signature in signature dialog
ToolManagerBuilder setShowSignatureFromImage(boolean showSignatureFromImage)
Sets whether can show pick from image in signature dialog
ToolManagerBuilder setShowSignaturePresets(boolean showSignaturePresets)
Sets whether to show color presets in the signature dialog
ToolManagerBuilder setShowTypedSignature(boolean showTypedSignature)
Sets whether can show typed signature button in signature dialog
ToolManagerBuilder setShowUndoRedo(boolean showUndoRedo)
Sets whether to show undo/redo buttons in the toolbar.
ToolManagerBuilder setSignatureColors(int... signatureColors)
Sets the colors used for signing.
ToolManagerBuilder setSnappingModes(SnappingMode[] modeFlags)
Set the point snapping mode for the SnapToNearestInDoc method.
ToolManagerBuilder setStyle(Context context, int styleRes)
Sets configuration to tool manager
ToolManagerBuilder setStylusAsPen(boolean stylusAsPen)
Sets whether to use stylus to draw without entering ink tool.
ToolManagerBuilder setTapToCreateShapeHalfWidth(int tapToCreateHalfWidth)
Sets the half width for tap to create shapes
ToolManagerBuilder setTextMarkupAdobeHack(boolean textMarkupAdobeHack)
Sets whether the TextMarkup annotations are compatible with Adobe (Adobe's quads don't follow the specification, but they don't handle quads that do).
ToolManagerBuilder setUseDigitalSignature(boolean useDigitalSignature)
Sets whether to use digital signature instead of signature
ToolManagerBuilder setUsePressureSensitiveSignatures(boolean usePressureSensitiveSignatures)
Sets whether to use pressure sensitivity on styluses for signatures.
void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable


public static final Creator<ToolManagerBuilder> CREATOR

Public Methods

public ToolManagerBuilder addAnnotStyleProperty (AnnotStyleProperty annotStyleProperty)

Add an AnnotStyleProperty used to hide annotation style properties in the annotation style dialog.

annotStyleProperty the AnnotStyleProperty used to hide annotation style properties

public ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool (Tool tool, Object... params)

Add customized tool

tool customized tool.
params parameter for instantiate tool
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool (ToolManager.ToolModeBase toolMode, Class<? extends Tool> toolClass, Object... params)

Add customized tool

toolMode customized tool mode.
toolClass The customized tool mode class
params parameter for instantiate tool
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool (ToolManager.ToolModeBase toolMode, Class<? extends Tool> toolClass)

Add customized tool

toolMode The customized tool mode
toolClass The customized tool mode class
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder addCustomizedTool (Tool tool)

Add customized tool

tool The customized tool
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManager build (PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment fragment)

Building tool manager by given PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 or PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 and sets fragment listener

fragment The PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2
  • tool manager

public ToolManager build (FragmentActivity activity, PDFViewCtrl pdfViewCtrl)

Building tool manager by given PDFViewCtrl

pdfViewCtrl The pdfviewCtrl
  • tool manager

public int describeContents ()

public ToolManagerBuilder disableAnnotEditing (int[] annotTypes)

Disable editing by annot type in tool manager

annotTypes disabled editing of annot types
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder disableToolModes (ToolMode[] toolModes)

Disable tool modes in tool manager

toolModes disabled tool modes
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder disableUpdateModifyDateAnnotTypes (int[] annotTypes)

Disable updating last modified date by annot type in tool manager

annotTypes annot types
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder disableUpdateModifyDateFieldTypes (int[] fieldTypes)

Disable updating last modified date by widget field type in tool manager

fieldTypes field types
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder freeTextInlineToggleEnabled (boolean freeTextInlineToggleEnabled)

Sets whether to show the FreeText inline toggle button

freeTextInlineToggleEnabled true showing the FreeText inline toggle button. Default to true.

public static ToolManagerBuilder from ()

Creates a new ToolManagerBuilder for constructing ToolManager.

  • a new ToolManagerBuilder instance

public static ToolManagerBuilder from (Context context, int styleRes)

Creates a new ToolManagerBuilder for constructing ToolManager.

context The context
styleRes style resource that contains tool manager configuration
  • a new ToolManagerBuilder instance

public Set<ToolManager.ToolMode> getDisabledToolModes (Context context)

public boolean getShowUndoRedo ()

  • whether to show undo/redo buttons in the toolbar.

public ToolManagerBuilder setAddImage (boolean addImage)

Sets whether user can add stamper image

addImage true then able to add image, false other wise. Default to true.
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder setAlwaysDrawWithFingerAndStylus (boolean alwaysDrawWithFingerAndStylus)

Sets whether finger and stylus should always be able to draw annotations.

public ToolManagerBuilder setAnnotPermission (boolean annotPermission)

Sets whether to check annotation author permission

annotPermission if true, annotation created by user A cannot be modified by user B, else anyone can modify any annotation. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setAnnotToolbarPrecedence (ToolMode[] toolModes)

This method is deprecated.
this property is no longer in use for the new UI use addToolbarBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder) instead An array that determines which tool icon should show when space is limited (portrait mode on small devices when collapsed)

toolModes the tool modes in the order of importance
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder setAnnotationLayerEnabled (boolean annotationLayerEnabled)

Sets whether to enable annotation layer

annotationLayerEnabled true if annotation layer is enabled, false otherwise. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setAutoResizeFreeText (boolean autoResizeFreeText)

Sets whether can auto resize free text when editing

autoResizeFreeText if true can auto resize, false otherwise. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setAutoSelect (boolean autoSelect)

Sets whether auto select annotation after annotation is created

autoSelect if true, after creating annotation, it will auto select it and show quick menu. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setBuildInPageIndicator (boolean buildInPageIndicator)

Indicates whether to use/show the built-in page number indicator.

buildInPageIndicator true to show the built-in page number indicator, false otherwise. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setCopyAnnot (boolean copyAnnot)

Sets whether to copy annotated text to note. Default to true.

copyAnnot enable copy annotated text to note

public ToolManagerBuilder setDefaultStoreNewSignature (boolean defaultStoreNewSignature)

Sets whether "Store signature" setting in the CreateSignatureFragment dialog should be enabled or disabled by default.

If persistStoreSignatureSetting is true, then this default value is used the very first time the user creates a new signature. When the user creates the next signatures, this value is ignored and instead will read their last used "Store signature" setting.

If persistStoreSignatureSetting is false, then this default value is used every time the user creates a new signature

Default true.

defaultStoreNewSignature true if show saved signatures, false otherwise

public ToolManagerBuilder setDigitalSignatureKeystorePassword (String digitalSignatureKeystorePassword)

Sets the digital signature keystore password

digitalSignatureKeystorePassword the keystore password

public ToolManagerBuilder setDigitalSignatureKeystorePath (String digitalSignatureKeystorePath)

Sets the digital signature keystore file path

digitalSignatureKeystorePath the keystore file path

public ToolManagerBuilder setDisableEditingAnnotTypesId (int disableEditingAnnotId)

Sets disabled editing annot type reference int id

disableEditingAnnotId disabled editing of annotation type int array id
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder setDisableQuickMenu (boolean disableQuickMenu)

Sets whether disable showing the long press quick menu

disableQuickMenu if true, disable showing the long press quick menu. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setDisableToolModesId (int disableToolModesId)

Sets disabled tool modes reference array id

disableToolModesId disabled tool modes string array id
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder setDoubleTapToZoom (boolean doubleTapToZoom)

Sets whether can double tap to zoom. Default to true.

doubleTapToZoom if true, can double tap to zoom, false otherwise

public ToolManagerBuilder setEditFreeTextOnTap (boolean editFreeTextOnTap)

Sets whether can edit freetext annotation on tap

editFreeTextOnTap true if tap will start edit FreeText, false otherwise. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setEditInk (boolean editInk)

Sets whether user can edit ink annotation

editInk true then able to edit ink, false other wise. Default to true.
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder setEditingExternalRichContentEnabled (boolean editingExternalRichContentEnabled)

Sets whether editing of external FreeText with rich content is enabled.

public ToolManagerBuilder setEraserType (Eraser.EraserType type)

Sets the eraser type.

type the Eraser.EraserType for eraser tool Default to INK_ERASER

public ToolManagerBuilder setFreeHandTimerEnabled (boolean freehandTimerEnabled)

Sets whether free hand annotations are saved on a timer basis. This flag is ignored if isInkMultiStrokeEnabled() returns false.

freehandTimerEnabled true if enabled. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setFreeHighlighterAutoSmoothingRange (float autoSmoothingRange)

Sets how wide the range would be for auto smoothing vertical and horizontal strokes, in dp independent of zoom.

autoSmoothingRange indicating how wide is the range to auto smooth vertical and horizontal strokes, in dp

public ToolManagerBuilder setFreeTextFontsFromAssets (String[] fontsName)

Sets custom font list from Assets for free text tool if sets font list from Assets, then it is not possible to set font list from storage The system fonts list won't load anymore

fontsName array of custom font's absolute path from Assets

public ToolManagerBuilder setFreeTextFontsFromStorage (String[] fontsPath)

Sets custom font list from device storage for free text tool if font list from Assets is not set, then it's possible to set font list from storage The system fonts list won't load anymore

fontsPath array of custom font's absolute path from device storage

public ToolManagerBuilder setInkMultiStrokeEnabled (boolean inkMultiStrokeEnabled)

Sets whether multi-stroke is enabled for ink tool

inkMultiStrokeEnabled true if enabled, default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setInkSmoothing (boolean inkSmoothing)

Sets whether to smooth ink annotation. Default to true.

inkSmoothing enable ink smoothing

public ToolManagerBuilder setInsertMultipleImagesEnabled (boolean insertMultipleImagesEnabled)

Sets whether image stamp tool can insert multiple images.

insertMultipleImagesEnabled whether image stamp tool can insert multiple images, default false

public ToolManagerBuilder setLoupeEnabled (boolean loupeEnabled)

Sets the magnifying loupe when using text markup.

loupeEnabled indicates if the user wants to enable magnifying loupe on text markup

public ToolManagerBuilder setMoveAnnotationBetweenPages (boolean moveAnnotBetweenPages)

Sets whether to allow moving annotations between pages

moveAnnotBetweenPages true if moving annotations between pages is enabled, default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setMultiSelectMode (AnnotEditRectGroup.SelectionMode mode)

Sets the multi-select mode.

mode the AnnotEditRectGroup.SelectionMode for multi-select tool Default to RECTANGULAR

public ToolManagerBuilder setOpenToolbar (boolean openToolbar)

Sets whether ink tool will open annotation toolbar

openToolbar if true, click ink from quick menu will open the annotation toolbar in ink mode, false otherwise. Default to true.
  • ToolManagerBuilder

public ToolManagerBuilder setPdfContentEditingEnabled (boolean pdfContentEditingEnabled)

Sets whether to show option to edit original PDF content.

pdfContentEditingEnabled true if show option to edit original PDF content. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setPersistStoreSignatureSetting (boolean persistStoreSignatureSetting)

Sets whether to use the user's last set "Store signature" setting in the CreateSignatureFragment dialog.

Default true.

persistStoreSignatureSetting true if "Store signature" setting should persist the next time a user creates signature, false otherwise

public ToolManagerBuilder setRealTimeAnnotEdit (boolean realTimeAnnotEdit)

Sets whether annotation editing is real time

realTimeAnnotEdit true if real time, false otherwise. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setRestrictedTapAnnotCreation (boolean restrictedTapAnnotCreation)

Sets whether to allow tap to create annotations on another type of annotation, for example for free text and sticky note.

restrictedTapAnnotCreation true if creating tap type annotations is not allowed on other type of annotations. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setSelectionBoxMargin (int selectionBoxMargin)

Sets the margin between annotation bounding box and selection box.

selectionBoxMargin margin value in DP, default to 16dp.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowAnnotIndicator (boolean showAnnotIndicator)

Sets whether can show indicator for annotations with comments

showAnnotIndicator true if show indicator, false otherwise. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowAuthor (boolean showAuthor)

ets whether to show author dialog the first time when user annotates.

showAuthor if true, show author dialog the first time when user annotates. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowRichContentOption (boolean showRichContentOption)

Sets whether to show rich content switch for FreeText. This API only takes effect for Lollipop+.

showRichContentOption true show rich content switch for FreeText. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowRotateHandle (boolean showRotateHandle)

Sets whether to show rotate handle when annotation selected

showRotateHandle true if rotation handle should be shown. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowSavedSignatures (boolean showSavedSignatures)

Sets whether can show saved signature in signature dialog

showSavedSignatures true if saved signature will show in signature dialog, false otherwise. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowSignatureFromImage (boolean showSignatureFromImage)

Sets whether can show pick from image in signature dialog

showSignatureFromImage true if pick from image icon will show in signature dialog, false otherwise. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowSignaturePresets (boolean showSignaturePresets)

Sets whether to show color presets in the signature dialog

showSignaturePresets true if color presets should be shown in the signature dialog, false otherwise. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowTypedSignature (boolean showTypedSignature)

Sets whether can show typed signature button in signature dialog

showTypedSignature true if typed signature will show in signature dialog, false otherwise. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setShowUndoRedo (boolean showUndoRedo)

Sets whether to show undo/redo buttons in the toolbar.

showUndoRedo true if showing undo/redo buttons in the toolbar. Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setSignatureColors (int... signatureColors)

Sets the colors used for signing. Minimum one color and maximum three colors, any additional colors are ignored.

When set, users will not be able to change these colors through the annotation style dialog.

signatureColors color resources used for creating signatures.

public ToolManagerBuilder setSnappingModes (SnappingMode[] modeFlags)

Set the point snapping mode for the SnapToNearestInDoc method. By default SnapToNearestInDoc will snap to line endpoints, midpoints, and intersections.

modeFlags an array of SnapUtils.SnappingMode

public ToolManagerBuilder setStyle (Context context, int styleRes)

Sets configuration to tool manager

styleRes style resource that contains tool manager configuration
  • ToolManagerBuilder instance

public ToolManagerBuilder setStylusAsPen (boolean stylusAsPen)

Sets whether to use stylus to draw without entering ink tool. Default to false.

stylusAsPen enable inking with stylus in pan mode

public ToolManagerBuilder setTapToCreateShapeHalfWidth (int tapToCreateHalfWidth)

Sets the half width for tap to create shapes

tapToCreateHalfWidth the half width in dp, default to 50dp.

public ToolManagerBuilder setTextMarkupAdobeHack (boolean textMarkupAdobeHack)

Sets whether the TextMarkup annotations are compatible with Adobe (Adobe's quads don't follow the specification, but they don't handle quads that do). Default to true.

public ToolManagerBuilder setUseDigitalSignature (boolean useDigitalSignature)

Sets whether to use digital signature instead of signature

useDigitalSignature true if using digital signature instead of signature, false otherwise. Default to false.

public ToolManagerBuilder setUsePressureSensitiveSignatures (boolean usePressureSensitiveSignatures)

Sets whether to use pressure sensitivity on styluses for signatures.

usePressureSensitiveSignatures true if using pressure sensitivity for signatures. Default to true.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)