java.lang.Object | |
↳ | com.pdftron.pdf.utils.PdfViewCtrlSettingsManager |
![]() |
A utility class helps saving things to SharedPreferences
Fields | |||||||||||
public static String | sCustomSharedPreferencesName |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
PdfViewCtrlSettingsManager() |
Public Methods | |||||||||||
static boolean |
getAllowPageChangeAnimation(Context context)
Returns whether page should turn with animation when tapping on the left of right edge of
the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getAllowPageChangeOnTap(Context context)
Returns whether the page should turn when tapping on the left of right edge of the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getAnnotListShowAuthor(Context context)
Returns whether the annotation list should display the annotation's author.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getAnnotListSortOrder(Context context, BaseAnnotationSortOrder defaultSortOrder)
Get the
value saved in shared preferences. | ||||||||||
static String |
getAnnotStylePreset(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String suffix)
Gets annotation style preset by given tool mode and preset index
| ||||||||||
static String |
getAnnotStylePreset(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex)
Gets annotation style preset by given tool mode and preset index
| ||||||||||
static int |
getAnnotStylesMoreAnnotType(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String suffix, int defaultValue)
Gets annotation preset style picker more annot type selected type
| ||||||||||
static int |
getAnnotStylesTabIndex(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String suffix)
Gets annotation preset style picker tab index
| ||||||||||
static String |
getAnnotToolbarVisibleAnnotTypes(Context context)
Gets visible annotation types in annotation toolbar
| ||||||||||
static PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AnnotationToolbarPosition |
getAnnotationToolbarPosition(Context context, PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AnnotationToolbarPosition defaultValue)
Gets annotation toolbar position in the viewer, default to TOP
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getAppUpdated(Context context)
Returns whether the app gets updated.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getAppVersionName(Context context)
Returns the app version name.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getAuthorName(Context context)
Returns the author's name.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getAuthorNameHasBeenAsked(Context context)
Returns whether the author's name has been asked before.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getBackupCacheFolderTree(Context context)
Gets backup folder tree path
| ||||||||||
static String |
getBackupFolderPath(Context context)
gets backup folder path
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getColorManagement(Context context)
Returns whether the color management is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getColorMode(Context context)
Returns the color mode.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getColorModePresets(Context context)
Gets color mode presets
| ||||||||||
static int |
getColorPickerPage(Context context)
Gets color picker current page
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getContinuousAnnotationEdit(Context context)
Returns whether the continuous annotation edit mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getCopyAnnotatedTextToNote(Context context)
Returns whether the text of a text markup annotation should be automatically copied into
the annotation's note.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getCopyAnnotatedTextToNote(Context context, boolean defaultValue)
Returns whether the text of a text markup annotation should be automatically copied into
the annotation's note.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getCustomColorModeBGColor(Context context)
Gets custom color mode background color
| ||||||||||
static int |
getCustomColorModeTextColor(Context context)
Gets custom color mode text color
| ||||||||||
static SharedPreferences |
getDefaultSharedPreferences(Context context)
Gets default shared preference
| ||||||||||
static ToolManager.ToolMode |
getDefaultStylusToolMode(Context context)
Gets default stylus tool mode from shared preferences
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getDoubleRowToolbarInUse(Context context)
Returns whether double row toolbar is in use
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getDrawWithFinger(Context context)
Gets draw with finger mode from shared preferences
| ||||||||||
static String | getEditUriBackupFilePath(Context context) | ||||||||||
static boolean |
getEnableJavaScript(Context context)
Returns whether JavaScript actions embedded in PDF files should be executed.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getFavoriteColors(Context context)
Gets a set of recent used colors string
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getFileFilter(Context context, int fileType, String suffix)
Gets whether filtering files.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getFollowSystemDarkMode(Context context)
Gets whether to follow the system setting for dark mode
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getFreeHighlighterSmoothing(Context context)
Returns whether free highlighter should be auto-smoothed.
| ||||||||||
static Set<String> |
getFreeTextFonts(Context context)
Returns available fonts for free text annotations.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getFullScreenMode(Context context)
Returns whether the full screen mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getGridSize(Context context, String suffix)
Gets Grid size.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getImageSmoothing(Context context)
Returns whether the image smoothing mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getInRTLMode(Context context)
Get whether the viewer should be in RTL mode.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getInkSmoothing(Context context)
Returns whether ink drawn with a finger should be smoothed.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getInkSmoothing(Context context, boolean defaultValue)
Returns whether ink drawn with a finger should be smoothed.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getLinkEditLastOption(Context context)
get edit link dialog last option
| ||||||||||
static String |
getLocalAppVersion(Context context)
Returns the local app version.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getLocalFolderPath(Context context)
gets local folder path
| ||||||||||
static String |
getLocalFolderTree(Context context)
Gets local folder tree path
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getMaintainZoomOption(Context context)
Returns whether the maintain zoom level mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getMultipleTabs(Context context)
Returns whether the multiple tabs mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getOpenUrlAsyncCache(Context context)
Gets the open url last viewed page cache
| ||||||||||
static String |
getOpenUrlPageStateAsyncCache(Context context)
Gets the open url last viewed zoom, h pos, v pos, rotation cache
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getPageNumberOverlayOption(Context context)
Returns whether the page number should be shown when turning pages.
| ||||||||||
static PDFViewCtrl.PageViewMode |
getPageViewMode(Context context)
Returns page view mode value
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getQuickBookmarkCreation(Context context)
Returns whether quick bookmark creation is enabled in the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getRecentColors(Context context)
Gets a set of recent used colors string
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getRememberLastPage(Context context)
Returns whether documents opened from the recent list should be reopened on the last page
they were on.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getSavedExternalFolderTreeUri(Context context)
Gets saved external folder tree uri
| ||||||||||
static String |
getSavedExternalFolderUri(Context context)
Gets saved external folder Uri
| ||||||||||
static int |
getSavedFilePickerFileType(Context context)
Gets saved file picker file type
| ||||||||||
static String |
getSavedFilePickerLocation(Context context)
Gets saved file picker location
| ||||||||||
static int |
getSavedFolderPickerFileType(Context context)
Gets saved folder picker location
| ||||||||||
static String |
getSavedFolderPickerLocation(Context context)
Gets saved folder picker location
| ||||||||||
static String | getSavedHomeToolbarMenu(Context context) | ||||||||||
static boolean |
getScreenStayLock(Context context)
Returns whether the screen sleep lock mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getSelectedColorModePreset(Context context)
Gets selected color mode presets
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowAnnotationIndicator(Context context, boolean defaultValue)
Returns whether annotation note indicator should be displayed retrieved from shared preferences,
returns default value if not in shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowAnnotationIndicator(Context context)
Returns whether annotation note indicator should be displayed retrieved from shared preferences,
returns default value if not in shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowNavigationBarForNewUI(Context context)
Returns whether the system navigation bar is visible in the new UI.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowOpenReadOnlySdCardFileWarning(Context context)
Gets whether it shows open read only sd card file warning dialog,
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowRageScrollingInfo(Context context)
Gets whether to show rage scroll dialog
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowScrollbarGuideline(Context context)
Returns whether the scrollbar guideline should be shown with the scrollbar.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowStatusBarForNewUI(Context context)
Returns whether the system status bar is visible in the new UI.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowTabBarForNewUI(Context context)
Returns whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for tablets.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getShowTabBarForPhone(Context context)
Returns whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for phones.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getSortMode(Context context)
Gets sort mode
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getStoragePermissionDenied(Context context)
Returns whether storage permission has been denied
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getStoragePermissionHasBeenAsked(Context context)
Returns whether storage permission request has been asked before.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getStylusAsPen(Context context)
Returns whether a stylus should act as a pen tool instead of a finger when touching the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getStylusAsPen(Context context, boolean defaultValue)
Returns whether a stylus should act as a pen tool instead of a finger when touching the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static int |
getThumbListFilterMode(Context context, int defaultMode)
Gets filter mode for thumbnails view
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
getUnlimitedTabsEnabled(Context context, boolean defaultValue)
Returns whether the number of tabs should be unlimited retrieved from shared preferences,
returns default value if not in shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static String |
getViewMode(Context context)
Gets the view mode.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
hasRtlModeOption(Context context)
Returns whether the viewer's page display dialog should include an option to enable
right-to-left document support.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isAutoSelectAnnotation(Context context, boolean defaultValue)
Returns whether the show quick menu mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isAutoSelectAnnotation(Context context)
Returns whether the show quick menu mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isDarkMode(Context context)
Whether it is in dark mode
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isDesktopUI(Context context)
Returns whether the desktop UI mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isPrintAnnotationsMode(Context context)
Returns whether annotation should be printed along with the document.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isPrintDocumentMode(Context context)
Returns whether document itself should be printed.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isPrintSummaryMode(Context context)
Returns whether summary of annotations should be printed.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
isVerticalScrollSnap(Context context)
Returns whether the vertical scrolling will snap to page is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAllowPageChangeOnTap(Context context, boolean changePage)
Sets whether the page should turn when tapping on the left of right edge of the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotListShowAuthor(Context context, boolean showAuthor)
Sets whether the annotation list should display the annotation's author.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotStylePreset(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String suffix, String annotStyleJSON)
Sets annotation style preset
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotStylePreset(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String annotStyleJSON)
Sets annotation style preset
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotStylesMoreAnnotType(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String suffix, int moreAnnotType)
Sets annotation preset style picker more annot type selected type
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotStylesTabIndex(Context context, int annotType, int presetIndex, String suffix, int tabIndex)
Sets annotation preset style picker tab index
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotToolbarVisibleAnnotTypes(Context context, String visibleAnnotTypes)
Sets visible annotation types in annotation toolbar
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAnnotationToolbarPosition(Context context, PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AnnotationToolbarPosition annotationToolbarPosition)
Sets annotation toolbar position in the viewer
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAuthorNameHasBeenAsked(Context context)
Sets that the author's name has been asked before.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setAutoSelectAnnotation(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether the show quick menu mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setColorManagement(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether the color management is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setColorMode(Context context, int mode)
Sets the color mode in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setColorModePresets(Context context, String jsonSerializedArray)
Sets color mode presets
| ||||||||||
static void |
setColorPickerPage(Context context, int page)
Sets color picker current page
| ||||||||||
static void |
setContinuousAnnotationEdit(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether the continuous annotation edit mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setCopyAnnotatedTextToNote(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether the text of a text markup annotation should be automatically copied into
the annotation's note.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setCustomColorModeBGColor(Context context, int color)
Sets custom color mode background color
| ||||||||||
static void |
setCustomColorModeTextColor(Context context, int color)
Sets custom color mode text color
| ||||||||||
static void |
setDefaultStylusToolMode(Context context, ToolManager.ToolMode mode)
Sets the default stylus tool mode in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setDrawWithFinger(Context context, boolean drawWithFinger)
Sets whether the finger should draw when stylus as pen is enabled in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setEnableJavaScript(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether JavaScript actions embedded in PDF files should be executed.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setFavoriteColors(Context context, String colors)
Sets recently used colors
| ||||||||||
static void |
setFollowSystemDarkMode(Context context, boolean followSystem)
Sets whether to follow the system setting for dark mode
| ||||||||||
static void |
setFreeTextFonts(Context context, Set<String> value)
Sets available fonts for free text annotations.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setFullScreenMode(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether the full screen mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setInkSmoothing(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether ink drawn with a finger should be smoothed.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setLinkEditLastOption(Context context, int option)
set edit link dialog last option
| ||||||||||
static void |
setMultipleTabs(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether the multiple tabs mode is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setOpenUrlAsyncCache(Context context, String jsonString)
Sets the open url last viewed page cache
| ||||||||||
static void |
setOpenUrlPageStateAsyncCache(Context context, String jsonString)
Sets the open url last viewed zoom, h pos, v pos, rotation cache
| ||||||||||
static void |
setPageViewMode(Context context, PDFViewCtrl.PageViewMode value)
Sets page view mode value
| ||||||||||
static void |
setPrintAnnotationsMode(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether annotation should be printed in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setPrintDocumentMode(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether document itself should be printed in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setPrintSummaryMode(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether summary of annotations should be printed in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setRecentColors(Context context, String colors)
Sets recently used colors
| ||||||||||
static void | setSavedHomeToolbarMenu(Context context, String toolbarMenu) | ||||||||||
static void |
setSelectedColorModePreset(Context context, int position)
Sets selected color mode preset
| ||||||||||
static void |
setShowAnnotationIndicator(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether annotation note indicator should be displayed retrieved from shared preferences,
returns default value if not in shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setShowNavigationBarForNewUI(Context context, boolean show)
Sets whether the system navigation bar is visible in the new UI.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setShowScrollbarGuideline(Context context, boolean showGuideline)
Sets whether the scrollbar guideline should be shown with the scrollbar.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setShowStatusBarForNewUI(Context context, boolean show)
Sets whether the system status bar is visible in the new UI.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setShowTabBarForNewUI(Context context, boolean show)
Sets whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for tablets.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setShowTabBarForPhone(Context context, boolean show)
Sets whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for phones.
| ||||||||||
static void |
setVerticalScrollSnap(Context context, boolean enabled)
Sets whether the vertical scrolling will snap to page is enabled.
| ||||||||||
static boolean |
shouldShowHowToPaste(Context context)
Returns whether should teach the user how to paste.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateAnnotListSortOrder(Context context, BaseAnnotationSortOrder sortOrder)
Updates sort order for annotation list
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateAuthorName(Context context, String value)
Updates the author's name.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateBackupCacheFolderPath(Context context, String path)
Updates backup folder path
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateBackupCacheFolderTree(Context context, String path)
Updates backup folder tree
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateDoubleRowToolbarInUse(Context context, boolean value)
Updates whether double row toolbar is in use
| ||||||||||
static void | updateEditUriBackupFilePath(Context context, String filepath) | ||||||||||
static void |
updateFileFilter(Context context, int fileType, String suffix, boolean visibility)
Updates file filter
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateGridSize(Context context, String suffix, int size)
Updates grid size
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateInRTLMode(Context context, boolean isRTL)
Update whether the viewer should be in RTL mode.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateLocalAppVersion(Context context)
Updates the local app version in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateLocalFolderPath(Context context, String path)
Updates local folder path
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateLocalFolderTree(Context context, String path)
Updates local folder tree
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateRtlModeOption(Context context, boolean rtlModeOption)
Updates the right-to-left mode option in the shared preferences.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSavedExternalFolderTreeUri(Context context, String uri)
Updates saved external folder tree uri
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSavedExternalFolderUri(Context context, String uri)
Updates Saved external folder uri
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSavedFilePickerFileType(Context context, int fileType)
Update saved file picker file type
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSavedFilePickerLocation(Context context, String location)
Updates saved file picker locaiton
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSavedFolderPickerFileType(Context context, int fileType)
Updates saved folder picker file type
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSavedFolderPickerLocation(Context context, String location)
Updates saved folder picker location
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateShowOpenReadOnlySdCardFileWarning(Context context, boolean val)
Updates show open read only SD card file warning dialog
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateShowRageScrollingInfo(Context context, boolean value)
Sets whether to show rage scroll dialog
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateSortMode(Context context, String mode)
Updates sort mode
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateStoragePermissionDenied(Context context, boolean value)
Updates whether storage permission has been denied.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateStoragePermissionHasBeenAsked(Context context, boolean value)
Updates whether storage permission request has been asked before
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateStylusAsPen(Context context, boolean enable)
Sets whether a stylus should act as a pen tool instead of a finger when touching the viewer.
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateThumbListFilterMode(Context context, int mode)
Sets filter mode for thumbnails view
| ||||||||||
static void |
updateViewMode(Context context, String mode)
Update the view mode in the shared preferences.
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
![]() |
View mode key: continuous mode
View mode key: facing cover continuous mode
View mode key: facing cover page mode
View mode key: facing continuous mode
View mode key: facing page mode
View mode key: reading settings mode
View mode key: rotation mode
View mode key: single page mode
View mode key: thumbnails mode
View mode key: user crop mode
Returns whether page should turn with animation when tapping on the left of right edge of the viewer.
context | The context |
Returns whether the page should turn when tapping on the left of right edge of the viewer.
context | The context |
Returns whether the annotation list should display the annotation's author.
context | The context |
Gets annotation style preset by given tool mode and preset index
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
suffix | suffix string to uniquely identify this annot style |
Gets annotation style preset by given tool mode and preset index
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
Gets annotation preset style picker more annot type selected type
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
suffix | suffix string to uniquely identify this annot style |
Gets annotation preset style picker tab index
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
suffix | suffix string to uniquely identify this annot style |
Gets visible annotation types in annotation toolbar
context | The context |
Gets annotation toolbar position in the viewer, default to TOP
context | The context |
Returns whether the app gets updated.
context | The context |
Returns the app version name.
context | The context |
Returns the author's name.
context | The context |
Returns whether the author's name has been asked before.
context | The context |
Gets backup folder tree path
context | The context |
gets backup folder path
context | The context |
Returns whether the color management is enabled.
context | The context |
context | The context |
Gets color mode presets
context | The context |
Gets color picker current page
context | The context |
Returns whether the continuous annotation edit mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Returns whether the text of a text markup annotation should be automatically copied into the annotation's note.
context | The context |
Returns whether the text of a text markup annotation should be automatically copied into the annotation's note.
context | The context |
defaultValue | The default value |
Gets custom color mode background color
context | The context |
Gets custom color mode text color
context | The context |
Gets default shared preference
context | The context |
Gets default stylus tool mode from shared preferences
context | The context |
Returns whether double row toolbar is in use
context | The context |
Gets draw with finger mode from shared preferences
context | The context |
Returns whether JavaScript actions embedded in PDF files should be executed.
context | The context |
Gets a set of recent used colors string
context | the context |
Gets whether filtering files.
context | The context |
fileType | The file type |
suffix | The suffix for filtering file. |
Gets whether to follow the system setting for dark mode
context | The context |
Returns whether free highlighter should be auto-smoothed.
context | The context |
Returns available fonts for free text annotations.
context | The context |
Returns whether the full screen mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Gets Grid size.
context | The context |
suffix | The suffix |
Returns whether the image smoothing mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Get whether the viewer should be in RTL mode.
context | the Context |
Returns whether ink drawn with a finger should be smoothed.
context | The context |
Returns whether ink drawn with a finger should be smoothed.
context | The context |
defaultValue | The default value |
get edit link dialog last option
context | the context |
Returns the local app version.
context | The context |
gets local folder path
context | The context |
Gets local folder tree path
context | The context |
Returns whether the maintain zoom level mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Returns whether the multiple tabs mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Gets the open url last viewed page cache
context | the context |
Gets the open url last viewed zoom, h pos, v pos, rotation cache
context | the context |
Returns whether the page number should be shown when turning pages.
context | The context |
Returns whether quick bookmark creation is enabled in the viewer.
context | The context |
Gets a set of recent used colors string
context | the context |
Returns whether documents opened from the recent list should be reopened on the last page they were on.
context | The context |
Gets saved external folder tree uri
context | The context |
Gets saved external folder Uri
context | The context |
Gets saved file picker file type
context | The context |
Gets saved file picker location
context | The context |
Gets saved folder picker location
context | The context |
Gets saved folder picker location
context | The context |
Returns whether the screen sleep lock mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Gets selected color mode presets
context | The context |
Returns whether annotation note indicator should be displayed retrieved from shared preferences, returns default value if not in shared preferences.
context | The context |
defaultValue | default value to return if not set in shared preferences |
Returns whether annotation note indicator should be displayed retrieved from shared preferences, returns default value if not in shared preferences.
context | The context |
Returns whether the system navigation bar is visible in the new UI.
context | The context |
Gets whether it shows open read only sd card file warning dialog,
context | The context |
Gets whether to show rage scroll dialog
Returns whether the scrollbar guideline should be shown with the scrollbar.
context | The context |
Returns whether the system status bar is visible in the new UI.
context | The context |
Returns whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for tablets.
context | The context |
Returns whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for phones.
context | The context |
Gets sort mode
context | The context |
Returns whether storage permission has been denied
context | The context |
Returns whether storage permission request has been asked before.
context | The context |
Returns whether a stylus should act as a pen tool instead of a finger when touching the viewer.
context | The context |
Returns whether a stylus should act as a pen tool instead of a finger when touching the viewer.
context | The context |
defaultValue | The default value |
Gets filter mode for thumbnails view
context | context to shared preferences |
defaultMode | one of FILTER_MODE_NORMAL
Returns whether the number of tabs should be unlimited retrieved from shared preferences,
returns default value if not in shared preferences. This will be ignored if
is used
when initializing the document viewer.
context | The context |
defaultValue | default value to return if not set in shared preferences |
Gets the view mode. Possible values are KEY_PREF_VIEWMODE_CONTINUOUS_VALUE
context | the Context |
Returns whether the viewer's page display dialog should include an option to enable right-to-left document support.
context | The context |
Returns whether the show quick menu mode is enabled.
context | The context |
defaultValue | The default value |
Returns whether the show quick menu mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Whether it is in dark mode
context | The context |
Returns whether the desktop UI mode is enabled.
context | The context |
Returns whether annotation should be printed along with the document.
context | The context |
Returns whether document itself should be printed.
context | The context |
Returns whether summary of annotations should be printed.
context | The context |
Returns whether the vertical scrolling will snap to page is enabled.
context | The context |
Sets whether the page should turn when tapping on the left of right edge of the viewer.
context | The context |
changePage | Whether the page should turn |
Sets whether the annotation list should display the annotation's author.
context | The context |
showAuthor | Whether the annotation list shows author |
Sets annotation style preset
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
suffix | suffix string to uniquely identify this annot style |
annotStyleJSON | annotation style in JSON string format |
Sets annotation style preset
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
annotStyleJSON | annotation style in JSON string format |
Sets annotation preset style picker more annot type selected type
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
suffix | suffix string to uniquely identify this annot style |
moreAnnotType | more annot type selected |
Sets annotation preset style picker tab index
context | the context |
annotType | annotation type |
presetIndex | preset index |
suffix | suffix string to uniquely identify this annot style |
tabIndex | the tab index |
Sets visible annotation types in annotation toolbar
context | The context |
Sets annotation toolbar position in the viewer
context | The context |
annotationToolbarPosition | annotation toolbar position in the viewer |
Sets that the author's name has been asked before.
context | The context |
Sets whether the show quick menu mode is enabled.
context | The context |
value | True if the show quick menu mode is enabled |
Sets whether the color management is enabled.
context | The context |
enabled | True if the color management is enabled |
Sets the color mode in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
Sets color mode presets
context | The context |
jsonSerializedArray | Json Serialized array of color mode presets |
Sets color picker current page
context | The context |
page | The current page |
Sets whether the continuous annotation edit mode is enabled.
context | The context |
value | Whether the continuous annotation edit mode is enabled |
Sets whether the text of a text markup annotation should be automatically copied into the annotation's note.
context | The context |
value | True if the copy annotated text to note mode is enabled |
Sets custom color mode background color
context | The context |
color | Background color |
Sets custom color mode text color
context | The context |
color | text color |
Sets the default stylus tool mode in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
mode | The tool mode |
Sets whether the finger should draw when stylus as pen is enabled in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
drawWithFinger | whether the finger should draw when stylus as pen is enabled |
Sets whether JavaScript actions embedded in PDF files should be executed.
context | The context |
value | Whether the javascript mode is enabled |
Sets recently used colors
context | the context |
colors | colors |
Sets whether to follow the system setting for dark mode
context | The context |
followSystem | true if follow the system dark mode, false otherwise |
Sets available fonts for free text annotations.
context | The context |
Sets whether the full screen mode is enabled.
context | The context |
enabled | True if the full screen mode is enabled |
Sets whether ink drawn with a finger should be smoothed.
context | The context |
value | True if the ink smoothing mode is enabled |
set edit link dialog last option
context | the context |
option | last selected option |
Sets whether the multiple tabs mode is enabled.
context | The context |
enabled | True if the multiple tabs mode is enabled |
Sets the open url last viewed page cache
context | the context |
jsonString | the cache json string |
Sets the open url last viewed zoom, h pos, v pos, rotation cache
context | the context |
jsonString | the cache json string |
Sets page view mode value
context | The context |
value | The page view mode value |
Sets whether annotation should be printed in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
enabled | True if annotation should be printed |
Sets whether document itself should be printed in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
enabled | True if document itself should be printed |
Sets whether summary of annotations should be printed in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
enabled | True if summary of annotations should be printed |
Sets recently used colors
context | the context |
colors | colors |
Sets selected color mode preset
context | The context |
position | position of color mode |
Sets whether annotation note indicator should be displayed retrieved from shared preferences, returns default value if not in shared preferences.
context | The context |
value | True if annotation note indicator is should be displayed. |
Sets whether the system navigation bar is visible in the new UI.
context | The context |
show | whether the navigation status bar is visible |
Sets whether the scrollbar guideline should be shown with the scrollbar.
context | The context |
showGuideline | Whether the scrollbar guideline should be shown with the scrollbar. |
Sets whether the system status bar is visible in the new UI.
context | The context |
show | whether the system status bar is visible |
Sets whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for tablets.
context | The context |
show | whether the tab bar is visible for tablets |
Sets whether the tab bar is visible in the new UI for phones.
context | The context |
show | whether the tab bar is visible for phones |
Sets whether the vertical scrolling will snap to page is enabled.
context | The context |
enabled | True if the vertical scrolling will snap to page is enabled |
Returns whether should teach the user how to paste.
context | The context |
Updates sort order for annotation list
context | context to save shared preferences |
sortOrder | AnnotationListSortOrder
Updates the author's name.
context | The context |
value | The author's name |
Updates backup folder path
context | The context |
path | The local folder path |
Updates backup folder tree
context | The context |
path | backup folder tree path |
Updates whether double row toolbar is in use
context | The context |
value | True if double row toolbar is in use |
Updates file filter
context | The context |
fileType | The file type |
suffix | The suffix |
visibility | The visibility of the file |
Updates grid size
context | The context |
suffix | The suffix |
size | The grid size |
Update whether the viewer should be in RTL mode.
context | the Context |
isRTL | whether RTL was in use |
Updates the local app version in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
Updates local folder path
context | The context |
path | The local folder path |
Updates local folder tree
context | The context |
path | Local folder tree path |
Updates the right-to-left mode option in the shared preferences.
context | The context |
rtlModeOption | The right-to-left mode option |
Updates saved external folder tree uri
context | The context |
uri | The uri |
Updates Saved external folder uri
context | The context |
uri | The uri |
Update saved file picker file type
context | The context |
fileType | Saved file picker file type |
Updates saved file picker locaiton
context | The context |
location | The location |
Updates saved folder picker file type
context | The context |
fileType | The file type |
Updates saved folder picker location
context | The context |
location | The location |
Updates show open read only SD card file warning dialog
context | The context |
val | whether it shows warning dialog |
Sets whether to show rage scroll dialog
Updates sort mode
context | The context |
mode | The sort mode |
Updates whether storage permission has been denied.
context | The context |
value | True if storage permission has been denied |
Updates whether storage permission request has been asked before
context | The context |
value | True if storage permission request has been asked before |
Sets whether a stylus should act as a pen tool instead of a finger when touching the viewer.
context | The context |
enable | True if the stylus as pen mode is enabled |
Sets filter mode for thumbnails view
context | context to shared preferences |
mode | one of FILTER_MODE_NORMAL
Update the view mode in the shared preferences.
context | the Context |
mode | the view mode. Possible values are KEY_PREF_VIEWMODE_CONTINUOUS_VALUE