Namespace: Core


WebViewer Instance Core namespace. The namespace containing WebViewer's core user controls, including DocumentViewer control and the Document class.








<static> annotationManager

AnnotationManager instance
  .then(function(instance) {
    const annotationManager = instance.Core.annotationManager;

<static> BackendTypes

The types of backend workers.
Name Type Description
ASM string 'asm' Use of ASM.js worker.
WASM string 'ems' Use of the WebAssembly worker (or ASM.js on non-wasm browsers).
THREADED_WASM string 'wasm-threads' Use of threaded WebAssembly worker.

<static> ColorPostProcessMode

Represents the different color post processing options that can used in the updateRasterizerOptions function.
Name Type Description
NONE number No post processing. This is the default setting
INVERT number Inverted color mode
GRADIENT_MAP number Gradient color mode
NIGHT_MODE number Night mode

<static> DisplayModes

Display modes that control how the document's page are displayed
Name Type Description
Single string Displays one page at a time.
Continuous string Displays all the pages in a scrolling view in one column.
Facing string Displays up to two pages at a time, side by side.
FacingContinuous string Displays all pages in a scrolling view in two columns.
Cover string Displays all pages in a scrolling view in two columns. The first row has a single page in the second column.
CoverFacing string Same as the Cover display mode except that it is not a scrolling view.
Custom string Any custom display mode.

<static> documentViewer

DocumentViewer instance
  .then(function(instance) {
    const documentViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer;

<static> EMPTY_XFDF

An XFDF string for no annotations.

<static> FONT_STYLES

Represents the font style for the watermark text
Name Type Description
BOLD string specifies that the text should be bolded
ITALIC string specifies that the text should be italicized
UNDERLINE string specifies that the text should be underlined

<static> getLegacyOfficeWorkerPath

Get the location of the Legacy Office worker (WebB2XOfficeWorker).

<static> getOfficeEditorWorkerPath

Get the location of the OfficeEditor worker files OfficeEditorModule.js, and files

<static> getOfficeWorkerPath

Get the location of the Office worker.

<static> MarkedStates

Represents the different Marked state values that you can apply to annotation status.
Name Type Description
Marked string Marked State
Unmarked string Unmarked State

<static> OverprintPreviewMode

Represents the different overprint preview options that can used in the updateRasterizerOptions function.
Name Type Description
OFF number Disable overprint
ON number Enable overprint
PDFX_ON number Enable overprint for PDF/X documents
SEPARATION_RENDER number Enable rasterizing separations

<static> PageRotation

Represents the different page rotation values that you can apply to pages.
Name Type Description
E_0 number 0 degree rotation
E_90 number 90 degree rotation
E_180 number 180 degree rotation
E_270 number 270 degree rotation

<static> ReviewStates

Represents the different review state values that you can apply to annotation status.
Name Type Description
Accepted string Accepted State
Rejected string Rejected State
Cancelled string Cancelled State
Completed string Completed State
None string None State

<static> SaveOptions

Represents the different save option values that you can use in the getFileData function.
Name Type Description
INCREMENTAL number Saves new data to the end of the file
REMOVE_UNUSED number Removes unused data when saving
HEX_STRINGS number Save strings in hexadecimal format
OMIT_XREF number Do not save cross reference table
LINEARIZED number Optimize data for speed and remove unused data
COMPATIBILITY number Maximize compatibility with older PDF consumers (e.g. the file will not use object and compressed XREF streams)

<static> setBasePath

Setting the base path that relatively loading documents will be relative to.

<static> setLegacyOfficeWorkerPath

Set the location of the Legacy Office worker (WebB2XOfficeWorker). This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for Legacy Office worker files.

<static> setOfficeEditorWorkerPath

Set the location of the OfficeEditor workers for OfficeEditorModule.js, and files. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for OfficeEditor worker files.

<static> setOfficeWorkerPath

Set the location of the Office worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for Office worker files.

<static> StateModel

Represents the different state models that you can apply to annotation.
Name Type Description
Marked string Marked State
Review string Review State

<static> SupportedFileFormats

Represents all the supported file formats in WebViewer
Name Type Description
CLIENT Array.<string> Supported file formats when using WebViewer client side rendering
SERVER Array.<string> Supported file formats when using WebViewer with WebViewer Server

<static> TextExtractorProcessingFlags

Represents the different processing option values to direct the flow of content recognition algorithms that you can use in the setTextExtractorProcessingFlags function.
Name Type Description
NO_LIGATURE_EXP number Disables expanding of ligatures using a predefined mapping. Default ligatures are: fi, ff, fl, ffi, ffl, ch, cl, ct, ll, ss, fs, st, oe, OE
NO_DUP_REMOVE number Disables removing duplicated text that is frequently used to achieve visual effects of drop shadow and fake bold
PUNCT_BREAK number Treat punctuation (e.g. full stop, comma, semicolon, etc.) as word break characters
REMOVE_HIDDEN_TEXT number Enables removal of text that is obscured by images or rectangles
NO_INVISIBLE_TEXT number Enables removing text that uses rendering mode 3 (i.e. invisible text), which is usually used in 'PDF Searchable Images' (i.e. scanned pages with a corresponding OCR text)
NO_WATERMARKS number Enables removal of text that is marked as part of a Watermark layer
EXTRACT_USING_ZORDER number Use Z-order as reading order for text


<static> areObjectURLBlobsEnabled()

Retrieves the current boolean value of the internal property objectURLBlobsDisabled

<static> BaseDocument()

BaseDocument is used to alert if a Document implementation is not following the Document interface.

<static> createDatePicker(options)

Create DatePicker UI
Name Type Description
options Object An object to set the configuration of the date picker
Name Type Description
field HTMLElement The HTML form field the date picker should be bound to
container HTMLElement DOM node to render calendar into
onDateSelected Core.onDateSelected Function that is called when the date is selected from the date picker UI
format string the date format showed after select date

<static> createDocument(src [, options])

Creates an initialized Core.Document instance.
Name Type Argument Description
src string | File | ArrayBuffer | Blob | Core.PDFNet.PDFDoc Source parameter, path/url to document or File.
options Core.CreateDocumentOptions <optional>
Create document options.
Promise that resolves when doc.loadAsync has been successfully called and returns Core.Document instance.

<static> disableEmbeddedJavaScript()

Disables the execution of embedded JavaScript

<static> disableFullPDF()

Disable the use of the full version of the PDFNetJS if it had been previously enabled.

<static> disableLogs(disabled)

Enables or disables all logs coming from WebViewer.
Name Type Description
disabled boolean Whether or not to disable all WebViewer logs. Defaults to true

<static> disableObjectURLBlobs(value)

Sets the internal boolean property of objectURLBlobsDisabled. If false, then the URL.createObjectUrl API will be used to instantiate an uncompressed Blob instance of the appropriate PDF worker file (Note that this goes against the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) rule "script-src blob:"). If true, then uncompressed JavaScript files will be loaded without instantiating a Blob.
Name Type Description
value boolean The boolean value to set the internal boolean property of objectURLBlobsDisabled.

<static> disableOptimizedWorkers()

Set flag to indicate that the optimized workers can not be used.

<static> disableStrictAnnotationFontMatching(annotationManager)

Disable strict annotation font matching. When disabled, the font of freetext annotation in WebViewer will use the fallback font selected by browser if the font cannot be applied to the text. This could cause inconsistency between the font of freetext annotation in WebViewer and the font in the saved file.
Name Type Description
annotationManager Core.AnnotationManager The annotationManager of current documentViewer

<static> enableEmbeddedJavaScript()

Enables the execution of embedded JavaScript

<static> enableFullPDF()

Enable or disable use of the full version of PDFNetJS. the parameter is deprecated since version 8.0

<static> enableOptimizedWorkers()

Set flag to indicate that the optimized workers can be used. These workers require some wasm features, e.g. Fixed-Width SIMD, Exception Handling, Bulk Memory Operations. If the browser doesn't support these features, this will have no effect.

<static> enableStrictAnnotationFontMatching(annotationManager)

Enable strict annotation font matching. When enabled, the font of freetext annotation in WebViewer should be matched with the font in the saved file. This is to handle the case that browser fallback font is not the same as the fallback font selected by Core in the saved file.
Name Type Description
annotationManager Core.AnnotationManager The annotationManager of current documentViewer

<static> enableWorkerLogs(enabled)

Enables or disables logs from the PDF worker.
Name Type Description
enabled boolean Whether or not to enable PDF worker logs. Defaults to false.

<static> forceBackendType(backendType)

Set default backend type. This method can be used for forced backend type for specific workers, for example, "ems" for Emscripten worker type
Name Type Description
backendType string Value for default backend type, e.g. asm, ems, wasm-threads, jsworker.

<static> getAllowedFileExtensions()

Get the array of allowed file extensions. An empty array indicates all supported file extensions are allowed.

<static> getBuild()

Returns the specific hashed commit id that is used to build the current WebViewer version.
A hashed commit id

<static> getCanvasMultiplier()

Gets the default multiplier used for rendering pages with document.loadCanvas. Higher multipliers mean that pages will be rendered at higher resolutions. The default value is the browser's devicePixelRatio
The current value of the canvas multiplier

<static> getCurrentOfficeBackendType()

Gets the current backend type being used.
Returns "asm" if ASM.js is being forced, "ems" if Emscripten is being used, "wasm-threads" if threaded Wasm is being used and undefined if nothing is being used yet

<static> getCurrentPDFBackendType()

Gets the current backend type being used.
Returns "asm" if ASM.js is being forced, "ems" if Emscripten is being used, "wasm-threads" if threaded Wasm is being used and undefined if nothing is being used yet

<static> getCurrentPDFBackendType()

Gets the current backend type loaded or being loaded
Returns "asm" if ASM.js is being forced, "ems" if Emscripten is being used or "wasm-threads" if threaded Wasm is being used

<static> getDefaultBackendType()

Gets the default pdf backend type that should be used for this browser.
Returns a promise that resolve to a string. "ems" if Emscripten should be used, and "wasm-threads" if threaded Wasm should be used

<static> getDocumentViewers()

Gets an array of currently instantiated documentViewer objects.
Array of documentViewer objects that are being used for the UI
  .then(function(instance) {
    const documentViewerList = instance.Core.getDocumentViewers();
    documentViewerList.forEach(documentViewer => documentViewer.UI.loadDocument(doc, options));

<static> getExternalPath()

Get the location of external scripts.
the prefix url external scripts.

<static> getFontPath()

Get the path of the font used in UI.
the prefix url for font path.

<static> getHashParameter(property, defaultValue)

Gets the value of the specified hash parameter from the window URL
Name Type Description
property string The property key from hash parameter
defaultValue T Default return value
A value of the hash parameter

<static> getLegacyOfficeAsmPath()

Get the location of the LegacyOffice asm worker.
the prefix url for

<static> getLegacyOfficeResourcePath()

Get the location of the Legacy Office resource worker.
the prefix url for WebB2XOfficeWorker.js

<static> getLocalWorkerPath()

Get the location of the local worker files.
the path to CORSWorker.js/CoreWorker.js

<static> getOfficeAsmPath()

Get the location of the Office asm worker.
the prefix url for

<static> getOfficeResourcePath()

Get the location of the Office worker.
the prefix url for OfficeWorker.js

<static> getPDFAsmPath()

Get the location of the PDF asm.js file PDFNetC.gz.js.
the prefix url for PDFNetC.gz.js.

<static> getPDFResourcePath()

Get the location of PDF resources.
the prefix url for PDFNetC.js.mem and PDFNet.res.

<static> getPDFWorkerPath()

Get the location of the PDF worker.
the prefix url for PDFworker.js

<static> getResourcesPath()

Gets the path to the resources folder
The path to the resources folder

<static> getScrollLeft(ele)

Gets the scrollLeft value for the element. Takes into account right to left scrolling direction if applicable.
Name Type Description
ele Element An HTML element to retrieve the scrollLeft value from
The scrollLeft value of the element

<static> getVersion()

Returns the WebViewer version.
WebViewer version

<static> getWebViewerServerAnnotationManager()

Gets an instance of WebViewerServerAnnotationManager
Resolves with a new instance of WebViewerServerAnnotationManager

<static> getWorkerPath()

Gets the path to the Web Worker JavaScript file
The path to the worker

<static> initLegacyOfficeWorkerTransports(officeType, workerHandlers)

Begins setup of Legacy Office Worker Object.
Name Type Description
officeType string object representing an Office backend type ("ems" or "wasm-threads")
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress, emsWorkerError).
a promise that will be resolved when worker transport initialization is complete.

<static> initOfficeEditorWorkerTransports(workerHandlers, l)

Begins setup of OfficeEditor Worker Object.
Name Type Description
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress, emsWorkerError).
l string The license key to use for this worker. If undefined, initialization will be done in demo mode.
a promise that will be resolved when worker transport initialization is complete.

<static> initOfficeWorkerTransports(officeType, workerHandlers, l)

Begins setup of Office Worker Object.
Name Type Description
officeType string object representing an Office backend type ("ems" or "wasm-threads")
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress, emsWorkerError).
l string The license key to use for this worker. If undefined, initialization will be done in demo mode.
a promise that will be resolved when worker transport initialization is complete.

<static> initPDFWorkerTransports(pdfBackendType, workerHandlers, l)

Begins setup of PDF Worker Object.
Name Type Description
pdfBackendType string object representing an PDF backend type ("asm", "ems" or "wasm-threads")
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress, emsWorkerError).
l string The license key to use for this worker. If undefined PDFNet will be initialized in demo mode.
a promise that will be resolved when worker transport initialization is complete.

<static> initSpreadsheetEditorWorkerTransports()

Begins setup of SpreadsheetEditor Worker object.
A promise that will be resolved when the worker transport initialization is complete.

<static> isBlendModeSupported(type)

Check if a composite operation is supported
Name Type Description
type string Composite operation to check
True if if the input composite operation is supported, false otherwise

<static> isDemoMode()

Returns whether demo mode is active or not. Must be called after the document is loaded or after the call to Core.initPDFWorkerTransports if you're calling it directly.
true or false depending on whether the viewer is in demo mode or not

<static> isEmbeddedJavaScriptEnabled()

Returns whether embedded JavaScript is enabled or not
Returns whether embedded JavaScript is enabled or not

<static> isFullPDFEnabled()

Returns whether the full version of PDFNetJS is enabled or not.
returns true if the full version is enabled and false otherwise.

<static> isValidURI(uri)

Returns if the URI is valid
Name Type Description
uri string The URI to check
True if the URI is valid, false otherwise

<static> officeToPDFBuffer(input, options)

Name Type Description
input string | ArrayBuffer Either a url from which to download the file or an ArrayBuffer containing the file data.
options Object An object containing conversion options
Name Type Argument Description
l string <optional>
The license key with which to initialize the SDK
extension string <optional>
The extension of the input file. Should be passed in if the input doesn't specify the file extension.
A promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the resulting PDF data.

<static> preloadLegacyOfficeWorker(officeBackendType, workerHandlers)

Begins setup of Legacy Office Worker Object. This can be used to load the workers before a license key has been loaded.
Name Type Description
officeBackendType string object representing an Office backend type ("ems" or "wasm-threads")
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress).
The worker object

<static> preloadOfficeWorker(officeBackendType, workerHandlers)

Begins setup of Office Worker Object. This can be used to load the workers before a license key has been loaded.
Name Type Description
officeBackendType string object representing an Office backend type ("asm", "ems" or "wasm-threads")
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress).
The worker object

<static> preloadPDFWorker(pdfBackendType, workerHandlers)

Begins setup of PDF Worker Object. This can be used to load the workers before a license key has been loaded.
Name Type Description
pdfBackendType string object representing a PDF backend type ("asm", "ems" or "wasm-threads")
workerHandlers object object holding event and error handlers for the worker (workerLoadingProgress).

<static> resetLegacyOfficeWorker(worker)

Resets the worker so that the next time initLegacyOfficeWorkerTransports is called it will set up the worker transports with the specified worker.
Name Type Description
worker object The new worker to use the next time initLegacyOfficeWorkerTransports is called

<static> resetOfficeWorker(worker)

Resets the worker so that the next time initOfficeWorkerTransports is called it will set up the worker transports with the specified worker.
Name Type Description
worker object The new worker to use the next time initOfficeWorkerTransports is called

<static> resetWorker()

Resets the worker so that the next time initPDFWorkerTransports is called it will set up the worker transports.

<static> setAdvancedImageScaling(advanced)

Forces a higher level of accuracy in image downsampling at the expense of rendering performance. This function should be called before loading a document to ensure this setting is used.
Name Type Description
advanced boolean if true advanced image scaling will be used. Can alternatively pass a number for the number of downsampling steps to take. Passing true is equivalent to passing 1.4.

<static> setAllowedFileExtensions(fileExtensionArray)

Set the allowed file extensions.
Name Type Description
fileExtensionArray Array.<string> An array of file extensions, not case sensitive. An empty array will allow any supported file extension to be loaded.

<static> setAsWindowsApp()

Flag WebViewer as running inside a Windows App so that it automatically uses the WinRTPartRetriever for loading local XOD files

<static> setCachingLevel(level)

Set the caching level, where 0 is no caching and higher numbers increase the size of the cache. The default is 10.
Name Type Description
level number The level to set

<static> setCanvasMultiplier(value)

Sets the default multiplier used for rendering pages with document.loadCanvas. Higher multipliers mean that pages will be rendered at higher resolutions. The default value is the browser's devicePixelRatio
Name Type Description
value number The value of multiplier to be set

<static> setColorManagement( [boolean])

Enables or color management for PDFNetJS backend. Color management is off by default. Enabling color management will better reflect correct color conversions but has a performance penalty.
Name Type Argument Description
boolean <optional>
value if true enable color management. Otherwise disable it.

<static> setCustomFontURL(url)

Set the URL at which PDFNetJS backend will request font resources for the purposes of font substitution. By default they are retrieved from the Apryse website.
Name Type Description
url string The url at which font resources should be requested.

<static> setEmscriptenHeapSize(The)

Adjusts the up front heap size used by Emscripten. This method must be called before the worker is initialized to change heap allocation behaviour. By default the heap size is set to 50331648 bytes. Note that decreasing the heap size very low or running complex operations may require a resize.
Name Type Description
The number number of bytes to allocate for the Emscripten heap.

<static> setExternalPath()

Set the location of external scripts.

<static> setFontPath(path)

Set the path of fonts used in UI
Name Type Description
path string the prefix url for font path.
  .then(function(instance) {

<static> setLegacyOfficeAsmPath(workerPath)

Set the location of the LegacyOffice asm worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for Office worker files.
Name Type Description
workerPath string the prefix url for

<static> setLegacyOfficeResourcePath(workerPath)

Set the location of the Legacy Office resource worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for Legacy Office worker files This new legacyOfficeResourcePath will be used in very specific situations where worker files are located in different locations.
Name Type Description
workerPath string the prefix url for WebB2XOfficeWorker.js and .mem files

<static> setLocalWorkerPath(workerPath [, isExact])

Sets the location of the local worker files CORSWorker.js/CoreWorker.js which will be different when setting the main worker path to another domain. Note that this path should be on the same domain as WebViewer is being loaded.
Name Type Argument Description
workerPath string The path to the local worker files
isExact boolean <optional>
By default this function will add a trailing slash if it wasn't added but in rare cases you may not want this behavior and can pass true for isExact

<static> setOfficeAsmPath(workerPath)

Set the location of the Office asm worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for Office worker files.
Name Type Description
workerPath string the prefix url for

<static> setOfficeResourcePath(workerPath)

Set the location of the Office resource worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for Office worker files This new officeResourcePath will be used in very specific situations where worker files are located in different locations.
Name Type Description
workerPath string the prefix url for WebOfficeWorker.js and .mem files

<static> setPDFAsmPath(workerPath)

Set the location of the PDF worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for PDF worker files.
Name Type Description
workerPath string the prefix url for PDFNetC.gz.js.

<static> setPDFResourcePath(resourcePath)

Set the location of PDF resources. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for PDF resource files.
Name Type Description
resourcePath string the prefix url for PDFNetC.js.mem and PDFNet.res.

<static> setPDFWorkerPath(workerPath)

Set the location of the PDF worker. This will override the location specified by Core.setWorkerPath for PDF worker files.
Name Type Description
workerPath string the prefix url for PDFworker.js

<static> setPreRenderLevel(level)

Set the pre-render level where 0 has no pre-rendering and higher numbers have more pre-rendering. The default is 5.
Name Type Description
level number The level to set

<static> setProgressiveTime(milliseconds)

Control the time between progressive events when rendering a more complex page.
Name Type Description
milliseconds number the number of milliseconds between progressive events. By default this is disabled for XOD and 3 seconds (3000) otherwise.

<static> setResourcesPath(path)

Sets the path to the resources folder.
Name Type Description
path string Path to the resources folder relative to the HTML file

<static> setWorkerPath(path)

Sets the path to the Web Worker JavaScript file. By default the file is expected to be in the same directory as the html file of the viewer and the path should be specified relative to the html file
Name Type Description
path string Path to the Web Worker JS file relative to the html file of the viewer

<static> syncNamespaces(namespaces)

Syncs the namespaces under the Core namespace attached to the window only.

This is required for interoperability between multiple instances of WebViewer since each loaded instance ends up with different class references despite sharing the same name.
Name Type Description
namespaces object The object containing the namespaces that will be used.
Name Type Argument Description
PDFNet object <optional>
The PDFNet namespace. This is probably the most common that needs to be synced.
Actions object <optional>
The Actions namespace.
Annotations object <optional>
The Annotations namespace.
Math object <optional>
The Math namespace.
Tools object <optional>
The Tools namespace.

<static> unsetAsWindowsApp()

Unflag WebViewer as running inside a Windows App so that it doesn't automatically use the WinRTPartRetriever for loading local XOD files. This is unset by default.

<static> unsetCanvasMultiplier()

Unsets the multiplier that was set using the setCanvasMultiplier function. The multiplier will default back to the browser's devicePixelRatio

Type Definitions


Create document options.
Name Type Argument Description
l string <optional>
Same as licenseKey.
licenseKey string <optional>
The license key for viewing PDF or Office files (PDF/Office only). You only need to use one of 'l' or 'licenseKey'.
docId string <optional>
An unique identifier for the document, used for offline mode.
onLoadingProgress function <optional>
A callback function for loading progress, function signature function(percent) {}.
onError function <optional>
A callback function that will be called when error occurs in the process of creating a document. function signature function(e) {}
workerTransportPromise Promise.<any> <optional>
The workerTransportPromise that should be used to load the document.
password string | function <optional>
A password string or a function of the form function(callback) where callback is of the form function(password). This 'password' function will be called when a password is required to load a PDF document and should call the callback with the retrieved password.
filename string <optional>
A filename that is used for the downloaded file, and for determining the extension when options.extension isn't used.
extension string <optional>
Used for specifying the extension of the document to be loaded. This is necessary if the URL/path does not contain the file extension or if you're loading a Blob/File.
customHeaders object <optional>
An object containing custom HTTP headers to use when retrieving the document from the specified url. For example: {'Authorization' : 'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='}.
useDownloader boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether Downloader should be used on urls (PDF only).
withCredentials boolean <optional>
Whether to set the withCredentials property on the XMLHttpRequest.
pageSizes Array.<object> <optional>
An array of objects in the shape of { width: number, height: number }. Used to determine the page sizes when loading an image file.
backendType string <optional>
A string representing the "backend type" for rendering PDF documents. Pass "asm" to force the use of the ASM.js worker, "ems" to force the use of the WebAssembly worker (or ASM.js on non-wasm browsers) or "wasm-threads" to use threaded WebAssembly.
xodOptions object <optional>
An object that contains the options for a XOD document.
Name Type Argument Description
decrypt boolean <optional>
Function to be called to decrypt a part of the XOD file. For default XOD AES encryption pass Core.Encryption.decrypt.
decryptOptions boolean <optional>
An object with options for the decryption e.g. {p: "pass", type: "aes"} where is p is the password.
streaming boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether to use http or streaming PartRetriever, it is recommended to keep streaming false for better performance.
azureWorkaround boolean <optional>
Whether or not to workaround the issue of Azure not accepting range requests of a certain type. Enabling the workaround will add an extra HTTP request of overhead but will still allow documents to be loaded from other locations.
startOffline boolean <optional>
Whether to start loading the document in offline mode or not. This can be set to true if the document had previously been saved to an offline database using WebViewer APIs. You'll need to use this option to load from a completely offline state.
webviewerServerURL string <optional>
A URL to the WebViewer server drop-in backend
fallbackToClientSide boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether to fall back to client side rendering when WebViewer server fails
cacheKey string <optional>
A key that will be used for caching the document on WebViewer Server.
forceClientSideInit boolean <optional>
If set to true then when loading a document using WebViewer Server the document will always switch to client only rendering allowing page manipulation and the full API to be used.
loadAsPDF boolean <optional>
If set to true then this will convert any office file passed in into a PDF document
customHandlerId number <optional>
A field used to specify PDFTron custom security handler. Its value needs to be an integer in [0, 0xFFFFFFFF].
type string <optional>
A custom document type. If set then the document type is not determined from the file extension.
customDocParams object <optional>
An object used to pass properties down to a custom document type.
isRelativePath boolean <optional>
If true, source will be considered as relative path/url.
showInvalidBookmarks boolean <optional>
Default is true. If true, will retrieve invalid bookmarks
shouldUseMinimumDownloads boolean <optional>
Default is false. If true, will limit the downloading of linearized PDFs to download data needed for the current and nearby pages.
officeOptions object <optional>
An object that contains the options for an Office document.
enableOfficeEditing boolean <optional>
If true, will load office files with editing capabilities.
officeOptions.templateValues Core.TemplateData <optional>
If set, will perform template replacement with the data specified by this parameter.
officeOptions.templateOptions Core.TemplateOptions <optional>
If set, it will interpret the office document as a template document and compile all of the template tags in the document using the provided options.
officeOptions.doTemplatePrep boolean <optional>
If set, it will interpret the office document as a template document and compile all of the template tags in the document.
officeOptions.disableBrowserFontSubstitution boolean <optional>
By default, office viewing takes a lightweight approach to font substitution, allowing the browser to select fonts when they are not embedded in the document itself. While this means that WebViewer has access to all the fonts on the user's system, it also means that an office document may have a different "look" on different systems (depending on the fonts available) and when it is converted to PDF (as the PDF conversion routine cannot obtain low-level access to user fonts, for security reasons). disableBrowserFontSubstitution prevents this browser substitution, forcing the WebViewer backend to handle all fonts. This means that viewing and conversion to PDF will be 100% consistent from system-to-system, at the expense of a slightly slower initial viewing time and higher bandwidth usage. Using along with this option allows you to fully customize the substitution behaviour for all office files.
officeOptions.formatOptions object <optional>
An object that contains formatting options for an Office document. Same options as allowed here Core.PDFNet.Convert.OfficeToPDFOptions.
Name Type Argument Description
hideTotalNumberOfPages boolean <optional>
If true will hide total number of pages from page number labels (i.e, Page 1, Page 2, vs Page 1 of 2, Page 2 of 2)
applyPageBreaksToSheet boolean <optional>
If true will split Excel worksheets into pages so that the output resembles print output.
displayChangeTracking boolean <optional>
If true will display office change tracking markup present in the document (i.e, red strikethrough of deleted content and underlining of new content). Otherwise displays the resolved document content, with no markup. Defaults to true.
displayHiddenText boolean <optional>
If true will display hidden text in document. Otherwise hidden text will be not be shown. Defaults to false.
displayComments number <optional>
If set to 1, it will display comment annotations in the document. Otherwise, comment annotations will not be shown. Defaults to 0 - no comments.
excelDefaultCellBorderWidth number <optional>
Cell border width for table cells that would normally be drawn with no border. In units of points. Can be used to achieve a similar effect to the "show gridlines" display option within Microsoft Excel.
excelMaxAllowedCellCount number <optional>
An exception will be thrown if the number of cells in an Excel document is above the value. Used for early termination of resource intensive documents. Setting this value to 250000 will allow the vast majority of Excel documents to convert without issue, while keeping RAM usage to a reasonable level. By default there is no limit to the number of allowed cells.
locale string <optional>
Sets the value for Locale in the options object ISO 639-1 code of the current system locale. For example: 'en-US', 'ar-SA', 'de-DE', etc.


Load document options.
Name Type Argument Default Description
loadAnnotations boolean <optional>
true Whether to load document with or without annotations.
l string <optional>
Same as licenseKey.
licenseKey string <optional>
The license key for viewing PDF or Office files (PDF/Office only). You only need to use one of 'l' or 'licenseKey'.
docId string <optional>
An unique identifier for the document, used for offline mode.
onLoadingProgress function <optional>
A callback function for loading progress (Only for files loaded over network), function signature: function(percent) {}.
onError function <optional>
A callback function that will be called when error occurs in the process of creating a document. function signature function(e) {}
workerTransportPromise Promise.<any> <optional>
The workerTransportPromise that should be used to load the document.
password string | function <optional>
A password string or a function of the form function(callback) where callback is of the form function(password). This 'password' function will be called when a password is required to load a PDF document and should call the callback with the retrieved password.
filename string <optional>
A filename that is used for the downloaded file, and for determining the extension when options.extension isn't used.
extension string <optional>
Used for specifying the extension of the document to be loaded. This is necessary if the URL/path does not contain the file extension or if you're loading a Blob/File.
customHeaders object <optional>
An object containing custom HTTP headers to use when retrieving the document from the specified url. For example: {'Authorization' : 'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='}.
useDownloader boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether Downloader should be used on urls (PDF only).
withCredentials boolean <optional>
Whether to set the withCredentials property on the XMLHttpRequest.
pageSizes Array.<object> <optional>
An array of objects in the shape of { width: number, height: number }. Used to determine the page sizes when loading an image file.
backendType string <optional>
A string representing the "backend type" for rendering PDF documents. Pass "asm" to force the use of the ASM.js worker, "ems" to force the use of the WebAssembly worker (or ASM.js on non-wasm browsers) or "wasm-threads" to use threaded WebAssembly.
xodOptions object <optional>
An object that contains the options for a XOD document.
Name Type Argument Description
decrypt boolean <optional>
Function to be called to decrypt a part of the XOD file. For default XOD AES encryption pass Core.Encryption.decrypt.
decryptOptions boolean <optional>
An object with options for the decryption e.g. {p: "pass", type: "aes"} where is p is the password.
streaming boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether to use http or streaming PartRetriever, it is recommended to keep streaming false for better performance.
azureWorkaround boolean <optional>
Whether or not to workaround the issue of Azure not accepting range requests of a certain type. Enabling the workaround will add an extra HTTP request of overhead but will still allow documents to be loaded from other locations.
startOffline boolean <optional>
Whether to start loading the document in offline mode or not. This can be set to true if the document had previously been saved to an offline database using WebViewer APIs. You'll need to use this option to load from a completely offline state.
webviewerServerURL string <optional>
A URL to the WebViewer server drop-in backend
webviewerServerRangeRequests boolean <optional>
If set to false then HTTP range requests will not be made to WebViewer Server. Default is true.
fallbackToClientSide boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether to fall back to client side rendering when WebViewer server fails
cacheKey string <optional>
A key that will be used for caching the document on WebViewer Server.
forceClientSideInit boolean <optional>
If set to true then when loading a document using WebViewer Server the document will always switch to client only rendering allowing page manipulation and the full API to be used.
loadAsPDF boolean <optional>
If set to true then this will convert any office file passed in into a PDF document
customHandlerId number <optional>
A field used to specify PDFTron custom security handler. Its value needs to be an integer in [0, 0xFFFFFFFF].
type string <optional>
A custom document type. If set then the document type is not determined from the file extension.
customDocParams object <optional>
An object used to pass properties down to a custom document type.
isRelativePath boolean <optional>
If true, source will be considered as relative path/url.
showInvalidBookmarks boolean <optional>
Default is true. If true, will retrieve invalid bookmarks
shouldUseMinimumDownloads boolean <optional>
Default is false. If true, will limit the downloading of linearized PDFs to download data needed for the current and nearby pages.
officeOptions object <optional>
An object that contains the options for an Office document.
enableOfficeEditing boolean <optional>
If true, will load docx files with editing capabilities.
officeOptions.templateValues Core.TemplateData <optional>
If set, will perform template replacement with the data specified by this parameter.
officeOptions.templateOptions Core.TemplateOptions <optional>
If set, it will interpret the office document as a template document and compile all of the template tags in the document using the provided options.
officeOptions.doTemplatePrep boolean <optional>
If set, it will interpret the office document as a template document and compile all of the template tags in the document.
officeOptions.disableBrowserFontSubstitution boolean <optional>
By default, office viewing takes a lightweight approach to font substitution, allowing the browser to select fonts when they are not embedded in the document itself. While this means that WebViewer has access to all the fonts on the user's system, it also means that an office document may have a different "look" on different systems (depending on the fonts available) and when it is converted to PDF (as the PDF conversion routine cannot obtain low-level access to user fonts, for security reasons). disableBrowserFontSubstitution prevents this browser substitution, forcing the WebViewer backend to handle all fonts. This means that viewing and conversion to PDF will be 100% consistent from system-to-system, at the expense of a slightly slower initial viewing time and higher bandwidth usage. Using along with this option allows you to fully customize the substitution behaviour for all office files.
officeOptions.formatOptions object <optional>
An object that contains formatting options for an Office document. Same options as allowed here Core.PDFNet.Convert.OfficeToPDFOptions.
Name Type Argument Description
hideTotalNumberOfPages boolean <optional>
If true will hide total number of pages from page number labels (i.e, Page 1, Page 2, vs Page 1 of 2, Page 2 of 2)
applyPageBreaksToSheet boolean <optional>
If true will split Excel worksheets into pages so that the output resembles print output.
displayChangeTracking boolean <optional>
If true will display office change tracking markup present in the document (i.e, red strikethrough of deleted content and underlining of new content). Otherwise displays the resolved document content, with no markup. Defaults to true.
displayHiddenText boolean <optional>
If true will display hidden text in document. Otherwise hidden text will not be shown. Defaults to false.
displayComments number <optional>
If set to 1, it will display comment annotations in the document. Otherwise, comment annotations will not be shown. Defaults to 0 - no comments.
excelDefaultCellBorderWidth number <optional>
Cell border width for table cells that would normally be drawn with no border. In units of points. Can be used to achieve a similar effect to the "show gridlines" display option within Microsoft Excel.
excelMaxAllowedCellCount number <optional>
An exception will be thrown if the number of cells in an Excel document is above the value. Used for early termination of resource intensive documents. Setting this value to 250000 will allow the vast majority of Excel documents to convert without issue, while keeping RAM usage to a reasonable level. By default there is no limit to the number of allowed cells.
locale string <optional>
Sets the value for Locale in the options object ISO 639-1 code of the current system locale. For example: 'en-US', 'ar-SA', 'de-DE', etc.


Callback function for when a date is selected
Name Type Description
date string selected Date


A bounding box of template tag text or template inserted content.
  • object
Name Type Description
pageNum number The page index (1-based indexing) this bounding box appears on.
box Core.Math.Rect The bounding box, units are points.


A dictionary mapping template keys to bounding boxes of either template tags or template inserted content. The template engine tries to infer the scope of the template that are used in loops. Loop keys will be scoped in this dictionary with the '::' separator, like this:
'loop_var_1::loop_var_2 ... ::item_var'


Office template data (input supplied to applyTemplateValues).


A replacement value for a simple data tag, @example '{{tag}}'


A bitmap image. All parameters are required. The image will be resized to the requested width and height on the page, which may change it's aspect ratio.
Name Type Description
image_url string URL to download image from.
width number The image width, measure in points.
height number The image height, measured in points.


A dictionary of template keys and their replacement values.


The argument to a template loop: an array which will be looped over.


A text replacement value.


Simple text, equivalent to just passing a string.
Name Type Description
text string


An array of text which will separated by line breaks.
Name Type Description
text_lines Array.<string>


A replacement value for a tag.


Office template options.
Name Type Argument Default Description
leftDelimiter string <optional>
'{{' The delimiter used to mark the beginning of a template tag.
rightDelimiter string <optional>
'}}' The delimiter used to mark the end of a template tag.


Office template schema (output returned from getTemplateKeys with format: schema).
  • object
Name Type Description
keys Core.TemplateSchemaKeyValues The top-level template keys in the document.


This indicates all usages of the key are used in a conditional. The key is not restricted to a boolean and can take data in the form of content such as a string, but that string would not be rendered anywhere in the document.
  • object
Name Type Description
typeId 'TemplateSchemaBool'
docOrder number An index representing this template key's first occurrence in the natural flow order of the document's keys (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).


This indicates there is a template tag for this key that will be replaced with content, such as text or an image.
  • object
Name Type Description
typeId 'TemplateSchemaContent'
docOrder number An index representing this template key's first occurrence in the natural flow order of the document's keys (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).


A dictionary of template keys and their expected data types.


This indicates the key is a loop. Since a key may be reused in multiple loops, the loopType property is an array.
  • object
Name Type Description
typeId 'TemplateSchemaLoop'
docOrder number An index representing this template key's first occurrence in the natural flow order of the document's keys (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).
itemSchema Core.TemplateSchemaKeyValues The sub-schema for this loop. Template keys that are used within the loop will appear here. Note that if multiple loops with the same key have different inner keys, the item schema will contain the union of all inner key usages.
loopType Array.<('tableRow'|'orderedList'|'unorderedList'|'other')> Array of the loop types, ordered by their document ordering.


This indicates the key is used as an object in a tag dot expression.
  • object
Name Type Description
typeId 'TemplateSchemaObject'
docOrder number An index representing this template key's first occurrence in the natural flow order of the document's keys (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).
properties Core.TemplateSchemaKeyValues The sub-schema for all properties of this object. The properties are gathered from the right-hand-side of all usages of this object in dot expressions.
'obj' in the tag '{{obj.prop}}'


This indicates all usages of the key are used in a context that require a string.
  • object
Name Type Description
typeId 'TemplateSchemaString'
docOrder number An index representing this template key's first occurrence in the natural flow order of the document's keys (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).


The expected type of input data for a template tag. The type can be read from the typeId property.