new RadioButtonWidget()
An object representing a Radio Button used in a PDF Form.
<static> createFromAnnot(annot)
creates a Radio Button Widget annotation and initialize it using given annotation object.
Note: The constructor does not copy any data, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
Name Type Description annot
Core.PDFNet.Annot The annotation to use. Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.RadioButtonWidget"- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.RadioButtonWidget>
<static> createFromObj( [d])
creates a Radio Button Widget annotation and initialize it using given Cos/SDF object.
Note: The constructor does not copy any data, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
Name Type Argument Description d
Core.PDFNet.Obj <optional>
the object to use to initialize the Radio Button Widget Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.RadioButtonWidget"- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.RadioButtonWidget>
Compares two annotations for equality. The comparison will return true only if both annotations share the same underlying SDF/Cos object.
Name Type Description d
Core.PDFNet.Annot Annotation to compare to - Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "boolean"- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
Copy Constructor
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.Annot"- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Annot>
Deletes custom data associated with the given key.
Name Type Description key
string The key for which to delete the associated data. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
enable the current radio button. Note that this may disable other Radio Buttons in the same group.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Flatten/Merge the existing annotation appearances with the page content and delete this annotation from a given page. Annotation 'flattening' refers to the operation that changes active annotations (such as markup, widgets, 3D models, etc.) into a static area that is part of the PDF document, just like the other text and images in the document. Note: an alternative approach to set the annotation as read only is using Annot.SetFlag(Annot::e_read_only, true) method. Unlike Annot.SetFlag(...), the result of Flatten() operation can not be programatically reversed.
Name Type Description page
Core.PDFNet.Page - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Returns the action of the widget annotation
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an action object representing the action of the widget annotation that should be performed when the annotation is activated.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Action>
Gets the annotation's active appearance state.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the name of the active state. The annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance subdictionary.- Type
- Promise.<string>
getAppearance( [annot_state] [, app_state])
Gets the annotation's appearance for the given combination of annotation and appearance states.
Name Type Argument Description annot_state
number <optional>
PDFNet.Annot.State = { e_normal : 0 e_rollover : 1 e_down : 2 }
the annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from the appearance sub-dictionary. An annotation can define as many as three separate appearances: The normal, rollover, and down appearance.app_state
string <optional>
is an optional parameter specifying the appearance state to look for (e.g. "Off", "On", etc). If appearance_state is NULL, the choice between different appearance states is determined by the AS (Appearance State) entry in the annotation dictionary. - Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the appearance stream for this annotation, or NULL if the annotation does not have an appearance for the given combination of annotation and appearance states.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Returns the background color of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a color object that denotes the color of the Screen background. Note: The color can be in different color spaces: Gray, RGB, or CMYK. Call "GetBackgroundColorCompNum" to access the color space information corresponding to the border color.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.ColorPt>
Returns the number indicating background color space of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an integer indicating a color space value from the ColorSpace::Type enum. That is, 1 corresponding to "e_device_gray", 3 corresponding to "e_device_rgb", and 4 corresponding to "e_device_cmyk" if color space is applicable, 0 means no background color was assigned.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Returns the border color of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a color object that denotes the color of the Screen border. Note: The color can be in different color spaces: Gray, RGB, or CMYK. Call "GetBorderColorCompNum" to access the color space information corresponding to the border color.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.ColorPt>
Returns the number indicating border color space of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an integer indicating a color space value from the ColorSpace::Type enum. That is, 1 corresponding to "e_device_gray", 3 corresponding to "e_device_rgb", and 4 corresponding to "e_device_cmyk". 0 means this annotation had no color assigned.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Gets the border style for the annotation. Typically used for Link annotations.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to annotation's border style.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.AnnotBorderStyle>
Gets an annotation's color without any specified color space. It is generally recommended to use getColorAsRGB(), getColorAsCMYK() or getColorAsGray() for more predictable behavior
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a ColorPt object containing an array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.ColorPt>
Returns the annotation's color in CMYK color space.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a ColorPt object containing an array of four numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing a CMYK color used for the following purposes: The background of the annotation's icon when closed The title bar of the annotation's pop-up window The border of a link annotation If the annotation does not specify an explicit color, a default color is returned. Text annotations return 'default yellow;' all others return black.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.ColorPt>
Returns the annotation's color in Gray color space.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a ColorPt object containing a number in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing a Gray Scale color used for the following purposes: The background of the annotation's icon when closed The title bar of the annotation's pop-up window The border of a link annotation If the annotation does not specify an explicit color, black color is returned.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.ColorPt>
Gets an annotation's color in RGB color space.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a ColorPt object containing an array of three numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing an RGB colour used for the following purposes: The background of the annotation's icon when closed The title bar of the annotation's pop-up window The border of a link annotation If the annotation does not specify an explicit color, a default color is returned. Text annotations return 'default yellow;' all others return black.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.ColorPt>
Returns the color space the annotation's color is represented in.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an integer that is either 1(for DeviceGray), 3(DeviceRGB), or 4(DeviceCMYK). If the annotation has no color, i.e. is transparent, 0 will be returned.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Extract the content of this annotation. (Optional).
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to A unicode string object with the text that is associated with this annotation. This is the text that annotation displays on user interaction, if the annotation type supports it.- Type
- Promise.<string>
Returns custom data associated with the given key.
Name Type Description key
string The key for which to retrieve the associated data. - Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the custom data string. If no data is available an empty string is returned.- Type
- Promise.<string>
Gets an annotation's last modified date.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the annotation's last modified time and date. If the annotation has no associated date structure, the returned date is not valid (date.IsValid() returns false). Corresponds to the "M" entry of the annotation dictionary.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Date>
Returns the field associated with the Widget.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a Field object.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Field>
Returns the "fit full" flag.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a boolean value indicating the "fit full" flag value. Note: the fit full flag, if true, indicates that the button appearance shall be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border. Default value: false.- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
Name Type Description flag
number PDFNet.Annot.Flag = { e_invisible : 0 e_hidden : 1 e_print : 2 e_no_zoom : 3 e_no_rotate : 4 e_no_view : 5 e_annot_read_only : 6 e_locked : 7 e_toggle_no_view : 8 e_locked_contents : 9 }
The Flag property to query.- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the value of given Flag- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
Retrieves the font used for displaying text in this Widget.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the font used by this Widget.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Font>
Returns the font size used in this Widget Annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the font size Note: A font size of 0 specifies that the text should be autosized to fit in the Widget.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Gets the group to which the current button is connected.
A promise that resolves to the group containing this Radio Button.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.RadioButtonGroup>
Returns the horizontal leftover space of the icon within the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a number indicating the horizontal leftover space of the icon within the annotation. Note: the horizontal leftover is a number that shall be between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the left. A value of 0.0 shall position the icon at the left of the annotation rectangle. A value of 0.5 shall center it in the horizontal direction within the rectangle. This entry shall be used only if the icon is scaled proportionally. Default value: 0.5.- Type
- Promise.<number>
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- e_invert.
A promise that resolves to the HighlightingMode of the widget annotation. Note: The annotation's highlighting mode is the visual effect that shall be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area Note: A highlighting mode other than e_push will override any down appearance defined for the annotation.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Return value enum: <pre> PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.HighlightingMode = { e_none : 0 e_invert : 1 e_outline : 2 e_push : 3 e_toggle : 4 } </pre>
Returns the Icon and caption relationship of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
- See:
- IconCaptionRelation
A promise that resolves to a value of the "IconCaptionRelation" enum type. Default value: e_NoIcon.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Return value enum: <pre> PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.IconCaptionRelation = { e_NoIcon : 0 e_NoCaption : 1 e_CBelowI : 2 e_CAboveI : 3 e_CRightILeft : 4 e_CLeftIRight : 5 e_COverlayI : 6 } </pre>
Returns the button down caption text of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a string containing the button down text of the annotation. Note: The button down caption shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area.- Type
- Promise.<string>
Returns the Mouse Down icon associated with the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an SDF object that represents the Mouse Down icon associated with the annotation. Note: The Mouse Down icon object is a form XObject defining the annotation's alternate (down) icon, which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Returns optional content associated with this annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a SDF object corresponding to the group of optional properties. Note: The return value is an Optional Content Group (OCG) or Optional Content Membership Dictionary (PDF::OCG::OCMD) specifying the optional content properties for the annotation. Before the annotation is drawn, its visibility shall be determined based on this entry as well as the annotation flags specified in the Flag entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the annotation shall be skipped, as if it were not in the document.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Gets the page the annotation is associated with.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a Page object or null page object if the page reference is not available. The page object returned is an indirect reference to the page object with which this annotation is associated. This entry shall be present in screen annotations associated with rendition actions. Optional. PDF 1.3 PDF 1.4 PDF 1.5 not used in FDF files.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Page>
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to annotation's bounding rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. The meaning of the rectangle depends on the annotation type. For Link and RubberStamp annotations, the rectangle specifies the area containing the hyperlink area or stamp. For Note annotations, the rectangle is describing the popup window when it's opened. When it's closed, the icon is positioned at lower left corner.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Rect>
Returns the rollover caption text of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a string containing the rollover caption text of the annotation. Note: The rollover caption shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button.- Type
- Promise.<string>
Returns the rollover icon associated with the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an SDF object that represents the rollover icon associated with the annotation. Note: The rollover icon object is a form XObject defining the annotation's rollover icon, which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Returns the rotation value of the annotation. The Rotation specifies the number of degrees by which the annotation shall be rotated counterclockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an integer representing the rotation value of the annotation. Note: This property is part of the appearance characteristics dictionary, this dictionary that shall be used in constructing a dynamic appearance stream specifying the annotation's visual presentation on the page.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Returns the condition under which the icon should be scaled.
- Inherited From:
- See:
- ScaleCondition
A promise that resolves to a value of the "ScaleCondition" enum type. Default value: e_Always.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Return value enum: <pre> PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.ScaleCondition = { e_Always : 0 e_WhenBigger : 1 e_WhenSmaller : 2 e_Never : 3 } </pre>
Returns the Scale Type of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
- See:
- ScaleType
A promise that resolves to a value of the "ScaleType" enum which represents the Scale Type of the annotation. Default value: P.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Return value enum: <pre> PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.ScaleType = { e_Anamorphic : 0 e_Proportional : 1 } </pre>
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the underlying SDF/Cos object.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Returns static caption text of the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a string containing the static caption text of the annotation. Note: The static caption is the annotation's normal caption, which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. Unlike the remaining entries with the captions, which apply only to widget annotations associated with pushbutton fields, the Static Caption(CA) entry may be used with any type of button field, including check boxes. Note: This property is part of the Widget appearance characteristics dictionary, this dictionary that shall be used in constructing a dynamic appearance stream specifying the annotation's visual presentation on the page.- Type
- Promise.<string>
Returns the static icon associated with the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an SDF object that represents the static icon associated with the annotation. Note: The static icon object is a form XObject defining the annotation's normal icon, which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Returns the struct parent of an annotation. (Required if the annotation is a structural content item; PDF 1.3)
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to an integer which is the integer key of the annotation's entry in the structural parent tree. Note: The StructParent is the integer key of the annotation's entry in the structural parent tree.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Returns the text color of the Widget Annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the text color. Note: the color can be in different color spaces: Gray, RGB, or CMYK. Call "GetTextColorCompNum" to access the color space information corresponding to the border color.- Type
- Promise.<Object>
Get the Action associated with the selected Annot Trigger event.
Name Type Description trigger
number PDFNet.Annot.EventType = { e_action_trigger_activate : 0 e_action_trigger_annot_enter : 1 e_action_trigger_annot_exit : 2 e_action_trigger_annot_down : 3 e_action_trigger_annot_up : 4 e_action_trigger_annot_focus : 5 e_action_trigger_annot_blur : 6 e_action_trigger_annot_page_open : 7 e_action_trigger_annot_page_close : 8 e_action_trigger_annot_page_visible : 9 e_action_trigger_annot_page_invisible : 10 }
the type of trigger event to get- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the Action Obj if present, otherwise NULL- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the type of this annotation. Corresponds to the "Subtype" entry of annotation dictionary, as per PDF Reference Manual section 12.5.2- Type
- Promise.<number>
Return value enum: <pre> PDFNet.Annot.Type = { e_Text : 0 e_Link : 1 e_FreeText : 2 e_Line : 3 e_Square : 4 e_Circle : 5 e_Polygon : 6 e_Polyline : 7 e_Highlight : 8 e_Underline : 9 e_Squiggly : 10 e_StrikeOut : 11 e_Stamp : 12 e_Caret : 13 e_Ink : 14 e_Popup : 15 e_FileAttachment : 16 e_Sound : 17 e_Movie : 18 e_Widget : 19 e_Screen : 20 e_PrinterMark : 21 e_TrapNet : 22 e_Watermark : 23 e_3D : 24 e_Redact : 25 e_Projection : 26 e_RichMedia : 27 e_Unknown : 28 } </pre>
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the unique identifier for this annotation, or NULL if the identifier is not available. The returned value is a String object and is the value of the "NM" field, which was added as an optional attribute in PDF 1.4.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Obj>
Returns the vertical leftover space of the icon within the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to a number indicating the vertical leftover space of the icon within the annotation. Note: the vertical leftover space is a number that shall be between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the bottom of the icon. A value of 0.0 shall position the icon at the bottom of the annotation rectangle. A value of 0.5 shall center it in the vertical direction within the rectangle. This entry shall be used only if the icon is scaled proportionally. Default value: 0.5.- Type
- Promise.<number>
It is possible during viewing that GetRect does not return the most accurate bounding box of what is actually rendered. This method calculates the bounding box, rather than relying on what is specified in the PDF document. The bounding box is defined as the smallest rectangle that includes all the visible content on the annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to the bounding box for this annotation. The dimensions are specified in user space coordinates.- Type
- Promise.<Core.PDFNet.Rect>
Determines whether this button is enabled.
A promise that resolves to a boolean value indicating whether the Radio Button is enabled.- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
Return true if this annotation is classified as a markup annotation.
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to boolean value, true if this annotation is classified as a markup annotation.- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
- Inherited From:
A promise that resolves to true if this is a valid (non-null) annotation, false otherwise. If the function returns false the underlying SDF/Cos object is null or is not valid and the annotation object should be treated as a null object.- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
Regenerates the appearance stream for the annotation. This method can be used to auto-generate the annotation appearance after creating or modifying the annotation without providing an explicit appearance or setting the "NeedAppearances" flag in the AcroForm dictionary. Note: If this annotation contains text, and has been added to a rotated page, the text in the annotation may be rotated. If RefreshAppearance is called *after* the annotation is added to a rotated page, then any text will be rotated in the opposite direction of the page rotation. If this method is called *before* the annotation is added to any rotated page, then no counter rotation will be applied. If you wish to call RefreshAppearance on an annotation already added to a rotated page, but you don't want the text to be rotated, you can do one of the following; temporarily un-rotate the page, or, temporarily remove the "Rotate" object from the annotation. To support users adding text annotations while using a PDF viewer, you can also add any viewer rotation to the annotations Rotate object, to have text always rotated correctly, from the users perspective.
- Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
refreshAppearanceRefreshOptions( [options])
A version of RefreshAppearance allowing custom options to make slight tweaks in behaviour.
Name Type Argument Description options
Core.PDFNet.PDFDoc.RefreshOptions <optional>
The RefreshOptions. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
removeAppearance( [annot_state] [, app_state])
Removes the annotation's appearance for the given combination of annotation and appearance states.
Name Type Argument Description annot_state
number <optional>
PDFNet.Annot.State = { e_normal : 0 e_rollover : 1 e_down : 2 }
the annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from the appearance sub-dictionary. An annotation can define as many as three separate appearances: The normal, rollover, and down appearance.app_state
string <optional>
is an optional parameter specifying the appearance state (e.g. "Off", "On", etc) under which the new appearance should be stored. If appearance_state is NULL, the annotation will have only one annotation state. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Scales the geometry of the annotation so that its appearance would now fit a new rectangle on the page, in user units. Users still have to call RefreshAppearance() later if they want a corresponding appearance stream to be generated for the new rectangle. The main reason for not combining the two operations together is to be able to resize annotations that do not have an appearance stream.
Name Type Description newrect
Core.PDFNet.Rect A reference to the new rectangle to which this annotation has to be resized. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the action of the widget annotation (Optional; PDF 1.2 )
Name Type Description action
Core.PDFNet.Action An action object representing the action of the widget annotation that should be performed when the annotation is activated. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the annotation's active appearance state. (Required if the appearance dictionary AP contains one or more subdictionaries; PDF 1.2)
Name Type Description astate
string Character string representing the name of the active appearance state. The string used to select the annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance subdictionary. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setAppearance(app_stream [, annot_state] [, app_state])
Sets the annotation's appearance for the given combination of annotation and appearance states. (Optional; PDF 1.2)
Name Type Argument Description app_stream
Core.PDFNet.Obj a content stream defining the new appearance. annot_state
number <optional>
PDFNet.Annot.State = { e_normal : 0 e_rollover : 1 e_down : 2 }
the annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from the appearance sub-dictionary. An annotation can define as many as three separate appearances: The normal, rollover, and down appearance.app_state
string <optional>
is an optional parameter specifying the appearance state (e.g. "Off", "On", etc) under which the new appearance should be stored. If appearance_state is NULL, the annotation will have only one annotation state. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setBackgroundColor(col, compnum)
sets the background color of the annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Description col
Core.PDFNet.ColorPt A color point that denotes the color of the screen background. compnum
number An integer which value indicates the color space used for the parameter c. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setBorderColor(col, compnum)
sets the border color of the annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Description col
Core.PDFNet.ColorPt A color object that denotes the color of the screen border. compnum
number An integer which value indicates the color space used for the parameter c. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setBorderStyle(bs [, oldStyleOnly])
Sets the border style for the annotation.
Name Type Argument Description bs
Core.PDFNet.AnnotBorderStyle New border style for this annotation. oldStyleOnly
boolean <optional>
PDF manual specifies two ways to add border information to an annotation object, either through an array named 'Border' (PDF 1.0), or a dictionary called 'BS' (PDF 1.2) the latter taking precedence over the former. However, if you want to create a border with rounded corners, you can only do that using PDF 1.0 Border specification, in which case if you call SetBorderStyle() set the parameter oldStyleOnly to true. This parameter has a default value of false in the API and does not need to be used otherwise. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setColor(col [, numcomp])
Sets an annotation's color. (Optional; PDF 1.1)
Name Type Argument Description col
Core.PDFNet.ColorPt A ColorPt object in RGB or Gray or CMYK color space representing the annotation's color. The ColorPt contains an array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing a color used for the following purposes: The background of the annotation's icon when closed The title bar of the annotation's pop-up window The border of a link annotation The number of array elements determines the color space in which the color shall be defined: 0 No color; transparent 1 DeviceGray 3 DeviceRGB 4 DeviceCMYK numcomp
number <optional>
The number of color components used to represent the color (i.e. 1, 3, 4). - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Name Type Description col
Core.PDFNet.ColorPt - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the content of this annotation. (Optional).
Name Type Description contents
string A reference to unicode string object with the text that will be associated with this annotation. This is the text that annotation displays on user interaction, if the annotation type supports it. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setCustomData(key, value)
Sets the custom data associated with the specified key.
Name Type Description key
string The key under which to store this custom data value
string The custom data string to store - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets an annotation's last modified date.
Name Type Description date
Core.PDFNet.Date The annotation's last modified time and date. Corresponds to the "M" entry of the annotation dictionary. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the "fit full" flag. (Optional)
Name Type Description ff
boolean A boolean value indicating the "fit full" flag value. Note: the fit full flag, if true, indicates that the button appearance shall be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border. Default value: false. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setFlag(flag, value)
sets the value of given Flag.
Name Type Description flag
number PDFNet.Annot.Flag = { e_invisible : 0 e_hidden : 1 e_print : 2 e_no_zoom : 3 e_no_rotate : 4 e_no_view : 5 e_annot_read_only : 6 e_locked : 7 e_toggle_no_view : 8 e_locked_contents : 9 }
The Flag property to modify.value
boolean The new value for the property. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Specifies a font to be used for text in this Widget.
Name Type Description font
Core.PDFNet.Font the font to use. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the font size of the Widget Annotation.
Name Type Description font_size
number the new font size Note: A font size of 0 specifies that the text should be autosized to fit in the Widget. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the horizontal leftover space of the icon within the annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Description hl
number A number indicating the horizontal leftover space of the icon within the annotation. Note: the horizontal leftover space is a number that shall be between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the left. A value of 0.0 shall position the icon at the left of the annotation rectangle. A value of 0.5 shall center it in the horizontal direction within the rectangle. This entry shall be used only if the icon is scaled proportionally. Default value: 0.5. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setHighlightingMode( [value])
sets the HighlightingMode for the widget annotation. Note: The annotation's highlighting mode is the visual effect that shall be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area
Name Type Argument Description value
number <optional>
PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.HighlightingMode = { e_none : 0 e_invert : 1 e_outline : 2 e_push : 3 e_toggle : 4 }
New highlighting mode for the widget. Note: A highlighting mode other than e_push shall override any down appearance defined for the annotation. Default value: e_invert.- Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the Icon and caption relationship of the annotation. (Optional; pushbutton fields only)
Name Type Description icr
number PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.IconCaptionRelation = { e_NoIcon : 0 e_NoCaption : 1 e_CBelowI : 2 e_CAboveI : 3 e_CRightILeft : 4 e_CLeftIRight : 5 e_COverlayI : 6 }
A value of the "IconCaptionRelation" enum type. Default value: e_NoIcon.- Inherited From:
- See:
- IconCaptionRelation
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the button down caption text of the annotation. (Optional; button fields only)
Name Type Description contents
string A string containing the button down text of the annotation. Note: The button down caption shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the Mouse Down icon associated with the annotation. (Optional; button fields only)
Name Type Description icon
Core.PDFNet.Obj An SDF object that represents the Mouse Down icon associated with the annotation. Note: The Mouse Down icon object is a form XObject defining the annotation's alternate (down) icon, which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Associates optional content with this annotation. (Optional, PDF1.5).
Name Type Description content
Core.PDFNet.Obj A pointer to an SDF object corresponding to the optional content, a PDF::OCG::Group or membership dictionary specifying the PDF::OCG::Group properties for the annotation. Before the annotation is drawn, its visibility shall be determined based on this entry as well as the annotation flags specified in the Flag entry . If it is determined to be invisible, the annotation shall be skipped, as if it were not in the document. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the reference to a page the annotation is associated with. (Optional PDF 1.3; not used in FDF files)
Name Type Description page
Core.PDFNet.Page The page object user wants the annotation to be associated with. Note: The parameter should be an indirect reference to the page object with which this annotation is associated. This entry shall be present in screen annotations associated with rendition actions - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the size and location of an annotation on its page.
Name Type Description pos
Core.PDFNet.Rect Annotation's bounding rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. The meaning of the rectangle depends on the annotation type. For Link and RubberStamp annotations, the rectangle specifies the area containing the hyperlink area or stamp. For Note annotations, the rectangle is describing the popup window when it's opened. When it's closed, the icon is positioned at lower left corner. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the roll over caption text of the annotation. (Optional; button fields only)
Name Type Description contents
string A string containing the roll over caption text of the annotation. Note: The rollover caption shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the rollover icon associated with the annotation. (Optional; button fields only)
Name Type Description icon
Core.PDFNet.Obj An SDF object that represents the rollover icon associated with the annotation. Note: The rollover icon object is a form XObject defining the annotation's rollover icon, which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the rotation value of the annotation. The Rotation specifies the number of degrees by which the annotation shall be rotated counterclockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90. (Optional)
Name Type Description angle
number An integer representing the rotation value of the annotation. Note: This property is part of the appearance characteristics dictionary, this dictionary that shall be used in constructing a dynamic appearance stream specifying the annotation's visual presentation on the page. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the condition under which the icon should be scaled. (Optional)
Name Type Description sd
number PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.ScaleCondition = { e_Always : 0 e_WhenBigger : 1 e_WhenSmaller : 2 e_Never : 3 }
A value of the "ScaleCondition" enum type. Default value: e_Always.- Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the Scale Type of the annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Description st
number PDFNet.WidgetAnnot.ScaleType = { e_Anamorphic : 0 e_Proportional : 1 }
An entry of the "ScaleType" enum which represents the Scale Type of the annotation. Default value: P.- Inherited From:
- See:
- ScaleType
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets static caption text of the annotation. (Optional; button fields only)
Name Type Description contents
string A string containing the static caption text of the annotation. Note: The static caption is the annotation's normal caption, which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. Unlike the remaining entries with the captions, which apply only to widget annotations associated with pushbutton fields, the Static Caption(CA) entry may be used with any type of button field, including check boxes. Note: This property is part of the Widget appearance characteristics dictionary, this dictionary that shall be used in constructing a dynamic appearance stream specifying the annotation's visual presentation on the page. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the static icon associated with the annotation. (Optional; button fields only)
Name Type Description icon
Core.PDFNet.Obj An SDF object that represents the static icon associated with the annotation. Note: The static icon object is a form XObject defining the annotation's normal icon, which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the struct parent of an annotation. (Required if the annotation is a structural content item; PDF 1.3)
Name Type Description parkeyval
number An integer which is the integer key of the annotation's entry in the structural parent tree. Note: The StructParent is the integer key of the annotation's entry in the structural parent tree. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setTextColor(color, col_comp)
Sets the text color of the Widget Annotation.
Name Type Description color
Core.PDFNet.ColorPt ColorPt object representing the color. col_comp
number An integer indicating a color space value from the ColorSpace::Type enum. That is, 1 corresponding to "e_device_gray", 3 corresponding to "e_device_rgb", and 4 corresponding to "e_device_cmyk". - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Sets the unique identifier for this annotation.
Name Type Description id
ArrayBuffer | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray A buffer containing a unique identifier for this annotation. Note: It is necessary to ensure that the unique ID generated is actually unique. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the vertical leftover space of the icon within the annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Description vl
number A number indicating the vertical leftover space of the icon within the annotation. Note: the vertical leftover space is a number that shall be between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the bottom of the icon. A value of 0.0 shall position the icon at the bottom of the annotation rectangle. A value of 0.5 shall center it in the vertical direction within the rectangle. This entry shall be used only if the icon is scaled proportionally. Default value: 0.5. - Inherited From:
- Type
- Promise.<void>