public class


extends DialogFragment
   ↳ DialogFragment
     ↳ com.pdftron.pdf.dialog.BookmarksDialogFragment

Class Overview

This class shows a dialog containing other dialogs in separate tabs. The possible dialogs that can be shown inside this master dialog are user-defined bookmarks (See UserBookmarkDialogFragment), document outline (See OutlineDialogFragment), annotations (See AnnotationDialogFragment) or any classes that are inherited from them.


Nested Classes
interface BookmarksDialogFragment.BookmarksDialogListener Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. 
enum BookmarksDialogFragment.DialogMode  
interface BookmarksDialogFragment.IBookmarksDialogSearchView  
Public Constructors
Public Methods
Fragment getCurrentFragment()
static BookmarksDialogFragment newInstance(BookmarksDialogFragment.DialogMode mode)
Returns a new instance of the class.
static BookmarksDialogFragment newInstance()
Returns a new instance of the class.
void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState)
void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater)
View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
The overloaded implementation of DialogFragment#onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
void onDestroyView()
boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem menuItem)
void onStart()
void onStop()
void reloadUserBookmarks()
void setBookmarksDialogListener(BookmarksDialogFragment.BookmarksDialogListener listener)
Sets the BookmarksDialogListener listener.
void setBookmarksTabsListener(BookmarksTabLayout.BookmarksTabsListener listener)
Sets the BookmarksTabsListener listener.
BookmarksDialogFragment setCurrentBookmark(Bookmark currentBookmark)
Sets the current bookmark.
BookmarksDialogFragment setDialogFragmentTabs(ArrayList<DialogFragmentTab> dialogFragmentTabs, int initialTabIndex)
Sets the dialog fragment tabs.
BookmarksDialogFragment setDialogFragmentTabs(ArrayList<DialogFragmentTab> dialogFragmentTabs)
Sets the dialog fragment tabs.
BookmarksDialogFragment setPdfViewCtrl(PDFViewCtrl pdfViewCtrl)
Sets the PDFViewCtrl
void updateAnnotationExportButtonText(CharSequence title)
void updateAnnotationFilterIcon(int iconRes)
void updateEditButtonText(String editBtnText, String createBtnText)
void updateEditButtonText(CharSequence editBtnText, CharSequence createBtnText)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String BUNDLE_MODE

Constant Value: "BookmarksDialogFragment_mode"

Public Constructors

public BookmarksDialogFragment ()

Public Methods

public Fragment getCurrentFragment ()

public static BookmarksDialogFragment newInstance (BookmarksDialogFragment.DialogMode mode)

Returns a new instance of the class.

public static BookmarksDialogFragment newInstance ()

Returns a new instance of the class.

public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

public Dialog onCreateDialog (Bundle savedInstanceState)

public void onCreateOptionsMenu (Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater)

public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

The overloaded implementation of DialogFragment#onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

public void onDestroyView ()

public boolean onMenuItemClick (MenuItem menuItem)

public void onStart ()

public void onStop ()

public void reloadUserBookmarks ()

public void setBookmarksDialogListener (BookmarksDialogFragment.BookmarksDialogListener listener)

Sets the BookmarksDialogListener listener.

listener The listener

public void setBookmarksTabsListener (BookmarksTabLayout.BookmarksTabsListener listener)

Sets the BookmarksTabsListener listener.

listener The listener

public BookmarksDialogFragment setCurrentBookmark (Bookmark currentBookmark)

Sets the current bookmark.

currentBookmark The current bookmark
  • This class

public BookmarksDialogFragment setDialogFragmentTabs (ArrayList<DialogFragmentTab> dialogFragmentTabs, int initialTabIndex)

Sets the dialog fragment tabs.

dialogFragmentTabs A list of dialog fragments that should be shown in separate tabs
initialTabIndex The initial tab index
  • This class

public BookmarksDialogFragment setDialogFragmentTabs (ArrayList<DialogFragmentTab> dialogFragmentTabs)

Sets the dialog fragment tabs.

dialogFragmentTabs A list of dialog fragments that should be shown in separate tabs
  • This class

public BookmarksDialogFragment setPdfViewCtrl (PDFViewCtrl pdfViewCtrl)

Sets the PDFViewCtrl

pdfViewCtrl The PDFViewCtrl
  • This class

public void updateAnnotationExportButtonText (CharSequence title)

public void updateAnnotationFilterIcon (int iconRes)

public void updateEditButtonText (String editBtnText, String createBtnText)

public void updateEditButtonText (CharSequence editBtnText, CharSequence createBtnText)