AboutDialogFragment |
AboutDialogPreference |
About dialog used in the CompleteReader demo app. |
AboutFragmentBase |
Action |
Actions are typically what happens when a user clicks on a link or bookmark. |
ActionButton |
ActionMenu |
ActionMenuItem |
ActionParameter |
Container for parameters used in handling various actions. |
ActionSubMenu |
ActionToolbar |
ActionUtils |
A utility class for annotation actions. |
ActionUtils.ActionInterceptCallback |
A intercept callback for onInterceptExecuteAction(ActionParameter, PDFViewCtrl)
ActivityUtils |
AddDocPdfHelper |
AddDocPdfHelper.AddDocPDFHelperListener |
AddPageDialogFragment |
The AddPageDialogFragment is responsible for add new pages with various page options. |
AddPageDialogFragment.OnAddNewPagesListener |
Callback interface invoked when new pages should be added to the current document. |
AddPageDialogFragment.OnCreateNewDocumentListener |
Callback interface invoked when new document should be created. |
AddPageDialogFragment.OnCtaPressedListener |
AddPageDialogFragment.PageColor |
The page color
AddPageDialogFragment.PageOrientation |
The page orientation
AddPageDialogFragment.PageSize |
The page size
AddPageDialogFragment.PageType |
The type of page
AdvancedColorView |
A ConstraintLayout to show color picker board includes ColorHuePickerWheel
and ColorSatValuePickerBoard . |
AdvancedImagingConvertOptions |
AdvancedImagingModule |
The class AdvancedImagingModule. |
AdvancedReaderActivity |
AdvancedReaderActivity is derived from
and is an all-in-one document reader, PDF editor and file manager. |
AdvancedShapeCreate |
This class is the base class for several shape creation classes that need clicks to determine
vertices vs drag and drop, e.g., Polyline, Polygon, Cloud and etc. |
AdvancedShapeCreate.OnEditToolbarListener |
Callback interface invoked when the edit toolbar should be shown/closed. |
AlgorithmIdentifier |
This class represents an algorithm identifier, as defined by ITU and
used in X.509. |
AlgorithmParams |
Base class for AlgorithmIdentifier parameters. |
AllDocumentFilesDataSource |
AllFilesDataSource |
Database source for all documents browser. |
AllFilesGridAdapter |
AllFilesListAdapter |
AnalyticsHandlerCallback |
AnalyticsParam |
A utility class for creating parameters used in Analytics handler
Annot |
Annot is a base class for different types of annotations. |
Annot.BorderStyle |
BorderStyle structure specifies the characteristics of the annotation's border. |
AnnotatingFragmentBase |
Annotation |
Interface for an annotation
AnnotationClipboardHelper |
Helper class for annotation copy/paste
AnnotationClipboardHelper.OnClipboardTaskListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when clipboard copy/paste task is finished. |
AnnotationDao |
Data Access Object for the annotation table
AnnotationDialogFragment |
The AnnotationDialogFragment shows a list of all the annotations in a
document being viewed by a PDFViewCtrl . |
AnnotationDialogFragment.AnnotationDialogListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
AnnotationDialogFragment.AnnotationInfo |
Annotation Info class. |
AnnotationEntity |
Immutable model class for an annotation
AnnotationEntityMapper<K extends AnnotationListHeader.HeaderData> |
Adapter that converts AnnotationEntity objects to
AnnotationListItem objects. |
AnnotationFilterAuthorItem |
AnnotationFilterColorItem |
AnnotationFilterDialogFragment |
AnnotationFilterDialogFragment.Theme |
AnnotationFilterHeaderItem |
AnnotationFilterItem |
AnnotationFilterOptionAdapter |
AnnotationFilterOptionAdapter.OnFilterChangeEventListener |
AnnotationFilterReviewStatusItem |
AnnotationFilterStateItem |
AnnotationFilterTypeItem |
AnnotationFilterViewModel |
A ViewModel that contains data for the annotation filter UI. |
AnnotationFilterViewModel.Factory |
AnnotationList |
Base class representing an list of Annotations. |
AnnotationListContent |
Immutable data class representing an annotation item displayed in the annotation list. |
AnnotationListDateFormat |
AnnotationListEvent |
Represents a user event from interaction with the annotation list UI. |
AnnotationListEvent.Type |
AnnotationListFilterInfo |
Data class used to represent the annotation filter dialog state. |
AnnotationListFilterInfo.FilterState |
AnnotationListFilterUtil |
Utility class for filtering annotations in PDFViewCtrl . |
AnnotationListFragmentBuilder |
AnnotationListHeader<T extends AnnotationListHeader.HeaderData> |
Immutable data class representing a list header item displayed in the annotation list. |
AnnotationListHeader.HeaderData |
AnnotationListItem |
An annotation list item can either be a header or some annotation content. |
AnnotationListSorter |
AnnotationListSorter.Factory |
AnnotationListSortOrder |
Sort order used in AnnotationDialogFragment . |
AnnotationListUIComponent |
A BaseUIComponent representing the annotation list. |
AnnotationListUIView |
A BaseUIView for the annotation list. |
AnnotationListUtil |
Utility class for fetching annotations in PDFViewCtrl . |
AnnotationListViewModel |
A ViewModel that contains data for the annotation list UI. |
AnnotationProperty |
Annotation Property class
AnnotationProperty.Property |
Annotation property
AnnotationPropertyPreviewView |
An image view for showing annotation preview based on annotation style
AnnotationsAdapter |
AnnotationsAdapter.ViewHolder |
AnnotationToolbar |
This class is deprecated.
use AnnotationToolbarComponent instead
The AnnotationToolbar works with a ToolManager to
allow quick selection of different tools. The toolbar shows a list of buttons
which prompts the associated ToolManager to switch to that tool.
If undo/redo is enabled in the PDFViewCtrl the undo/redo buttons are also provided.
AnnotationToolbar.AnnotationToolbarListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
AnnotationToolbarBuilder |
Builder class used to create a custom annotation toolbar. |
AnnotationToolbarButtonId |
Id that references a specific button on the AnnotationToolbar
AnnotationToolbarComponent |
Annotation Toolbar UI Component that is in charge of handling the toolbar logic and UI events. |
AnnotationToolbarComponent.AnnotationButtonClickListener |
Annotation button click listeners
AnnotationToolbarComponent.OnPreBuildToolbarListener |
Listener called prior to building a new AnnotationToolbar. |
AnnotationToolbarComponent.OnToolbarChangedListener |
Listener called when toolbar changes. |
AnnotationToolbarImageButtonInflater |
Class in charge of inflating and styling an image button that is part
of the annotation toolbar. |
AnnotationToolbarTextButtonInflater |
Class in charge of inflating and styling a text button that is part
of the annotation toolbar. |
AnnotationToolbarTheme |
Helper to get AnnotationToolbarComponent related theme attributes. |
AnnotationToolbarView |
Class that contains the views related to the new annotation toolbar,
and exposes necessary Annotation Toolbar related API. |
AnnotationToolbarViewModel |
View model in charge of handling the annotation toolbar's state
AnnotationToolbarViewModel.DisabledButtonTypes |
Wraps our list of disabled ToolbarButtonType so that it's observable when changes happen. |
AnnotationToolbarViewModel.DisabledToolModes |
Wraps our list of disabled ToolManager.ToolMode so that
it's observable when changes happen. |
AnnotationToolbarViewModel.ObservableAnnotationToolbarBuilder |
Wraps AnnotationToolbarBuilder so it's observable when changes happen. |
AnnotationViewModel |
ViewModel for annotation
AnnotationViewModel.Factory |
AnnotDrawingView |
AnnotEdit |
This class is responsible for editing a selected annotation, e.g., moving and resizing. |
AnnotEditAdvancedShape |
This class is responsible for editing a selected advanced shape such as polyline, polygon and cloud. |
AnnotEditLine |
This class is responsible for editing a selected line or arrow, e.g., moving and resizing. |
AnnotEditRectGroup |
This class is for selecting a group of annotations
AnnotEditRectGroup.SelectionMode |
AnnotEditTextMarkup |
This class is responsible for editing text markup: highlight/strikeout/underline, e.g., moving and resizing. |
AnnotIndicatorManger |
This class manages annotation indicators
AnnotManager |
This class is responsible for generating local annotation changes XFDF string and
merging remote annotation changes XFDF string
AnnotManager.AnnotationAction |
Annotation actions
AnnotManager.AnnotationSyncingListener |
This interface can be used to monitor local annotation changes,
which can then be forwarded to a remote server. |
AnnotManager.AnnotItem |
Annotation custom properties
AnnotManager.EditPermissionMode |
AnnotReviewState |
AnnotSnappingManager |
This class is in charge of storing the data used for annotation snapping. |
AnnotSnappingManager.SnappingGroup |
Defines annotation groups that should snap to each other. |
AnnotSnappingManager.SnappingResult |
AnnotSnappingManager.SnappingType |
AnnotStyle |
This class contains annotation style information
AnnotStyle.AnnotStyleHolder |
This interface is for holding annotation style
AnnotStyle.OnAnnotStyleChangeListener |
This interface is used for changing annotation appearance
AnnotStyleDialogFragment |
Annotation style dialog fragment is a DialogFragment that shows annotation style properties
in a bottom sheet. |
AnnotStyleDialogFragment.Builder |
Builder for building annotation style dialog
AnnotStyleDialogFragment.SelectColorMode |
Selected color mode for color picker view
AnnotStyleDialogFragment.SelectStyleMode |
Selected style mode for style picker view
AnnotStyleDialogFragment.Theme |
AnnotStyleProperty |
Defines which properties in an AnnotStyleDialogFragment
should be shown and hidden if available. |
AnnotStyleView |
A LinearLayout that can adjust annotation appearance
AnnotStyleView.OnColorLayoutClickedListener |
This interface is for switching between color picker and style picker
AnnotStyleView.OnMoreAnnotTypeClickedListener |
AnnotStyleView.OnPresetSelectedListener |
This interface is for listening preset style buttons pressed event
AnnotStyleView.OnStyleLayoutClickedListener |
This interface is for switching between icon picker and style picker
AnnotToolbarOverflowPopupWindow |
A popup window class that displays undo/redo options
AnnotUtils |
A utility class for handling annotation. |
AnnotUtils.AnnotVisitor |
Visitor that visits annotations on a single page or in an entire document. |
AnnotUtils.AnnotWithPageVisitor |
Visitor that visits annotations on a single page or in an entire document. |
AnnotUtils.PageVisitor |
Visitor that visits pages within a document. |
AnnotView |
AnnotView.SnapMode |
AnnotViewImpl |
AnnotViewImpl.AnnotViewImplListener |
AppBarLayout |
A Linear Layout that can adjust window insets in full screen
AppBarLayout.AppBarLayoutListener |
AppUtils |
A collection of utility functions used for easy setup of PDFNet application. |
AppUtils |
A collection of utility functions used for easy setup of PDFNet application. |
AreaMeasureCreate |
ArrowCreate |
This class is for creating an arrow. |
ASCII85Encode |
ASCII85Encode filter can be used to encode any data stream
into a stream that does not contain any binary characters. |
AssertHandlerCallback |
AttrObj |
An application or plug-in extension that processes logical structure can attach
additional information, called attributes, to any structure element. |
AutoScrollEditor |
A CustomRelativeLayout that contains an AutoScrollEditText . |
AutoScrollEditText |
An EditText that can auto scroll
AutoScrollEditText.AutoScrollEditTextListener |
Listener interface for key up event
AutoScrollEditText.AutoScrollEditTextSpacingListener |
AvatarAdapter |
Adapter to inflate and bind the avatar icon in the messages list. |
CacheUtils |
modified slightly by PDFTron team
in the original package,
FileInputStream/FileOutputStream are not closed and therefore the resources are kept open
we also want to save/retrieve data in the same order (so using LinkedHashMap)
CADConvertOptions |
CADConvertOptions.LayoutSortOrder |
Layout sorting options
CADModule |
The class CADModule. |
CalibrateDialog |
CalibrateResult |
CalibrateViewModel |
CalloutCreate |
A tool for creating callout annotation
CancelFlag |
Caret |
A Caret annotation (PDF 1.5) is a visual symbol that indicates
the presence of text edits. |
CharData |
CharData is a data structure returned by CharIterator that is
used to provide extra information about a character within
a text run. |
CharIterator |
CharIterator is an iterator type that can be used to traverse CharData
in the current e_text element. |
CheckableRelativeLayout |
This class is used to allow the use of checkable widgets inside ListViews
WARNING: Make sure to use this with InertCheckBox/InertRadioButton/InertSwitch
or onItemClickListener will not work. |
CheckableRelativeLayout.OnCheckedChangeListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when the checked state of the layout is changed. |
CheckboxFieldCreate |
This class is for creating checkbox field
CheckBoxWidget |
An object representing a check box used in a PDF Form. |
ChoiceDialogFragment |
ChoiceFieldCreate |
ChoiceResult |
ChoiceViewModel |
Circle |
Square and circle annotations (PDF 1.3) shall display,
respectively, a rectangle or an ellipse on the page. |
ClassMap |
The Class ClassMap. |
CloudCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
CMSSignatureOptions |
Optional data for CMS creation. |
CollabAnnotationListFragment |
CollabAnnotationListSorter |
A ViewModel that stores and updates the current annotation list sort order. |
CollabAnnotationListSorter.Factory |
Factory for creating CollabAnnotationListSorter depending on sort order. |
CollabAnnotationListSortOrder |
Defines supported sort ordering for the annotation list
CollabDatabase |
The Room database that contains the collaboration information
CollabManager |
The class responsible for import/export XFDF and/or XFDF command string. |
CollabManager.AnnotationCompletionListener |
CollabManager.CollabManagerListener |
CollabViewerBuilder |
This class is deprecated.
use CollabViewerBuilder2 instead
Builder to create a CollabViewerTabHostFragment .
CollabViewerBuilder2 |
Builder to create a CollabViewerTabHostFragment2 . |
CollabViewerTabFragment |
This class is deprecated.
use CollabViewerTabFragment2 instead
A PdfViewCtrlTabFragment that has real-time annotation collaboration functionality.
Implements a bottom sheet reply fragment that allows for real-time comments on annotations
CollabViewerTabFragment.CollabTabListener |
CollabViewerTabFragment2 |
A PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 that has real-time annotation collaboration functionality. |
CollabViewerTabFragment2.CollabTabListener |
CollabViewerTabHostFragment |
This class is deprecated.
use CollabViewerTabHostFragment2 instead
A PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment that allows for real-time annotation collaboration. Used
in conjunction with CollabViewerTabFragment .
This fragment also provides a customized annotation list fragment that shows additional
information on annotation comments.
CollabViewerTabHostFragment.CollabTabHostListener |
CollabViewerTabHostFragment2 |
A PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 that allows for real-time annotation collaboration. |
CollabViewerTabHostFragment2.CollabTabHostListener |
ColorHuePickerWheel |
A Color Wheel for picking hue value of the color. |
ColorHuePickerWheel.OnHueChangeListener |
Listening for hue changes
ColorPickerGridViewAdapter |
An array adapter for showing colors. |
ColorPickerView |
A Linear layout for changing annotation color. |
ColorPickerView.OnBackButtonPressedListener |
This method is used for back button in toolbar pressed event
ColorPickerView.OnColorChangeListener |
A interface that is invoked when there is color changes in color picker pages
ColorPt |
ColorPt is an array of colorants (or tint values) representing a color point
in an associated color space. |
ColorSatValuePickerBoard |
A picker board for picking color HSV with a given Hue value. |
ColorSatValuePickerBoard.OnHSVChangeListener |
Listener interface for color HSV value changes event
ColorSpace |
This abstract class is used to serve as a color space tag to identify the specific
color space of a Color object. |
ComboBoxFieldCreate |
This class is for creating combo box field
ComboBoxWidget |
An object representing a Combo Box used in a PDF Form. |
CommonToast |
Toast decorator allowing for easy cancellation of notifications. |
CommonToast.CommonToastHandler |
CommonToast.CommonToastListener |
Config |
The OCG::Config object represents an optional-content (OC) configuration
structure (see section 4.10.3 in PDF Reference), used to persist a set
of visibility states and other optional-content information in a PDF file
A document has a default configuration, saved in the D entry in the
'OCProperties' dictionary (that can be obtained using pdfdoc.GetOCConfig()),
and can have a list of other configurations, saved as an array in the
'Configs' entry in the OCProperties dictionary. |
ConnectionErrorProc |
ConnectionErrorProc is an interface for a custom handler that
that can be passed into SetConnectionErrorProc. |
Constants |
A utility classes that contains constant values
ConsumeEndInsetFrameLayout |
ConsumeHorizontalInsetFrameLayout |
ConsumeStartInsetFrameLayout |
ContentElement |
Base class for all content elements in the document content tree. |
ContentItem |
Content items are graphical objects that exist in the document independently
of the structure tree but are associated with structure elements. |
ContentLoadingRelativeLayout |
A Relative layout for loading content
ContentNode |
Base class for all elements in the document content tree that can contain
other content elements. |
ContentNodeIterator |
ContentNodeIterator is an iterator type that can be used to traverse the
children of a content node object. |
ContentRecyclerAdapter |
ContentRecyclerAdapter.ContentInfoKey |
ContentRecyclerAdapter.ItemViewHolder |
ContentReplacer |
ContentReplacer is a utility class for replacing content (text and images)
in existing PDF (template) documents. |
ContentViewHolder |
Context |
The OCG::Context object represents an optional-content context in a document, within which
document objects such as words or annotations are visible or hidden. |
ConversionOptions |
Convert |
Converter is a utility class used to convert documents and files to PDF. |
Convert.EPUBOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to ToEpub functions
Convert.ExcelOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to toExcel functions
Convert.HTMLOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to ToHtml and ToEpub functions
Convert.OutputOptionsOCR |
A class containing OCR options common to the ToHtml, ToWord, ToExcel, ToPowerPoint functions
Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.LanguageChoice |
Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.PreferredOCREngine |
Convert.PowerPointOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to toPowerPoint functions
Convert.StructuredOutputOptions |
A class containing StructuredOutput options
Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting |
Convert.SVGOutputOptions |
A class containing options for ToSvg functions
Convert.TiffOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to ToTiff functions
Convert.WordOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to toWord functions
Convert.XODOutputOptions |
A class containing options for ToXod functions
Convert.XPSOutputCommonOptions |
A class containing options common to ToXps and ToXod functions
Convert.XPSOutputOptions |
A class containing options for ToXps functions
CountMeasurementCreateTool |
CountToolCreatePresetDialog |
CountToolCreatePresetDialog.Builder |
Builder for building annotation style dialog
CountToolCreatePresetDialog.CountToolCreatePresetDialogListener |
CountToolCreatePresetDialog.Theme |
CountToolDialogFragment |
CountToolDialogFragment.Theme |
CreateBitmapFromCustomStampTask |
A class that asynchronously generates a bitmap from a certain custom rubber stamp. |
CreateBitmapFromCustomStampTask.OnCustomStampCreatedCallback |
Callback interface for when the bitmap of a custom rubber stamp is created. |
CreateCustomStampDialogFragment |
CreateSignatureFragment |
CubicCurveBuilder |
The class CubicCurveBuilder. |
CurvePainter |
CustomAsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> |
A version of AsyncTask class that keeps a weak reference to the context, so
the context can be accessed (if still alive). |
CustomColorModeDialogFragment |
A dialog fragment shows a list of preset color modes. |
CustomColorModeDialogFragment.CustomColorModeSelectedListener |
Listener interface for custom color mode selected event
CustomColorModeDialogFragment.CustomViewPager |
A view pager for displaying custom color mode list
CustomColorModeDialogFragment.PresetRecyclerAdapter |
A Recycler view adapter of preset custom color modes
CustomColorModeDialogFragment.PresetRecyclerAdapterListener |
Listener interface for preset custom color mode selected event
CustomColorPickerView |
A Linear layout that shows recently selected colors, favorite colors
CustomColorPickerView.OnEditFavoriteColorListener |
This interface is for listening events about editing favorite colors
CustomFilter |
CustomFilter allows for customizing the reading and writing process. |
CustomFragmentTabLayout |
This class implements TabLayout where each tab is attached with a fragment
CustomFragmentTabLayout.OnTabModificationListener<T extends Tab> |
CustomRelativeLayout |
a RelativeLayout inside PDFViewCtrl with
specified page position posX, posY, and page_num. |
CustomService |
Interface for functions required to observe incoming and outgoing annotation changes. |
CustomServiceUtils |
CustomSizeDialogFragment |
A dialog with custom size which depends running on tablet or phone devices
CustomSizeDialogFragment.DialogDismissListener |
CustomStampAdapter |
CustomStampColorAdapter |
CustomStampOption |
The option for creating a custom rubber stamp. |
CustomStampPickerFragment |
CustomStampPreviewAppearance |
The appearance of a custom rubber stamp which is used in the custom rubber dialog's preview. |
CustomViewPager |
A custom view pager that can toggle off swipe event. |
Page |
Page is a high-level class representing PDF page object (see 'Page Objects' in
Section 3.6.2, 'Page Tree,' in PDF Reference Manual). |
PageBackButtonInfo |
A structure which has all information needed to go back/forward to the previous/next page
PageChangeViewModel |
PageIndicatorLayout |
A LinearLayout that shows page indicator. |
PageIndicatorLayout.OnPDFViewVisibilityChanged |
Listener for PDFViewCtrl visibility change event
PageIterator |
PageIterator is an iterator type that can be used to traverse a list
pages in a PDF document. |
PageLabel |
PDF page labels can be used to describe a page. |
PageLabelDialog |
Dialog Fragment containing UI for getting Page label modification settings
from the user. |
PageLabelSetting |
Data class containing information needed to modify page labels
PageLabelSettingViewModel |
View Model containing user settings from the Page label setting dialog. |
PageLabelUtils |
Class containing utility methods for handling page labels in a PDF document. |
PageNumber |
Page number header data, that is held by a AnnotationListHeader . |
PageRedactionDialogFragment |
Used to mark redaction annotation with page bounding box. |
PageSet |
PageSet is a container of page numbers ordered following a linear sequence. |
PageState |
Represents current page state. |
Pan |
Pan tool implements the following functions:
- Select the hit annotation and switch to annotation edit tool on single tap event;
- Bring up annotation creation menu upon long press event.
PaneBehavior |
A Coordinator layout behavior that adjusts child view size based on screen size and device configuration. |
Paragraph |
A Paragraph is a content node that contains a list of TextRun objects. |
Paragraph.TextJustification |
PasswordDialogFragment |
A Dialog fragment for entering password
PasswordDialogFragment.Builder |
PasswordDialogFragment.PasswordDialogFragmentListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PasswordDialogFragment.Theme |
PathData |
Contains the information required to draw the path. |
PathPool |
Path Pool Pattern to avoid unnecessary memory allocation. |
PatternColor |
Patterns are quite general, and have many uses; for example, they can be used
to create various graphical textures, such as weaves, brick walls, sunbursts,
and similar geometrical and chromatic effects. |
PDF2HtmlReflowParagraphsModule |
The class PDF2HtmlReflowParagraphsModule. |
PDF2WordModule |
The class PDF2WordModule. |
PDFACompliance |
PDFACompliance class is used to validate PDF documents for PDF/A (ISO 19005:1/2/3)
compliance or to convert existing PDF files to PDF/A compliant documents. |
PDFAOptions |
PDFDoc |
PDFDoc is a high-level class describing a single PDF (Portable Document
Format) document. |
PDFDoc.ActionTriggerMode |
PDFDoc.FlattenMode |
PDFDoc.InsertBookmarkMode |
PDFDoc.SignaturesVerificationStatus |
PDFDocGenerator |
The class PDFDocGenerator. |
PDFDocInfo |
PDFDocInfo is a high-level utility class that can be used to read and modify
document's metadata. |
PDFDocLoaderTask |
PDFDocLoaderTask.onFinishListener |
A interface for listening finish event
PdfDocManager |
Constants for specifying state of documents
PDFDocViewPrefs |
PDFDocViewPrefs is a high-level utility class that can be used to control the
way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. |
PDFDocWithoutOwnership |
Doc created for debugging purposes to be used until we sort out ownership issues
for documents created through universal conversion. |
PDFDraw |
PDFDraw contains methods for converting PDF pages to images and to Bitmap
objects. |
PDFDraw.IntBufferData |
PdfLayer |
PdfLayerDialog |
PdfLayerDialogFragment |
PdfLayerDialogFragment.Theme |
PdfLayerNode |
PdfLayerNodeBinder |
PdfLayerNodeBinder.PdfLayerNodeClickListener |
PdfLayerNodeBinder.ViewHolder |
PdfLayerTreeViewAdapter<T extends LayoutItemType> |
PdfLayerTreeViewAdapter.OnPdfLayerTreeNodeListener |
PdfLayerUtils |
Utility for PDF layer. |
PdfLayerView |
PDF layer view. |
PdfLayerViewAdapter |
Adapter for PdfLayerView . |
PDFNet |
PDFNet contains global library initialization, registration, configuration,
and termination methods. |
PDFNetConfig |
This is a utility class for setting up PDFNet initially. |
PDFNetException |
PDFNetException is derived from the standard exception class and it is a superclass
for all PDFNet library exceptions. |
PDFNetInternalTools |
The class PDFNetInternalTools. |
PDFNetIterator<T> |
Supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection. |
PDFRasterizer |
PDFRasterizer is a low-level PDF rasterizer. |
PDFTronCustomSecurityHandler |
This class represents PDFTron Custom Security handler that applies PDFTron's custom encryption method on save. |
PDFUAConformance |
The class PDFUAConformance. |
PDFUAConformance.Level |
PDFUAOptions |
PDFViewCtrl |
PDFViewCtrl is derived from android.view.ViewGroup
and encapsulates a rich set of functionalities for interactive viewing of
PDF documents. |
PDFViewCtrl.ActionCompletedListener |
Callback interface invoked when an action is completed
PDFViewCtrl.AnnotationManagerMode |
An enum represents annotation manager mode
PDFViewCtrl.ConversionState |
An enum represents document conversion state
PDFViewCtrl.DocumentDownloadListener |
Used for receiving updates from document downloading, which can be
started by openUrlAsync(String, String, String, HTTPRequestOptions)
PDFViewCtrl.DocumentLoadListener |
Used for receiving notifications about the document state. |
PDFViewCtrl.DownloadState |
An enum represents document download state
PDFViewCtrl.ErrorReportListener |
Used for receiving error reports in case an error is encountered during page rendering. |
PDFViewCtrl.HTTPRequestOptions |
Class for customizing network requests. |
PDFViewCtrl.LinkInfo |
A class that holds information for a link. |
PDFViewCtrl.LockRunnable |
Runnable used in conjunction with document locking helper methods. |
PDFViewCtrl.OnCanvasSizeChangeListener |
Used for tracking current canvas size changes
PDFViewCtrl.OverPrintMode |
Overprint mode. |
PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeListener |
Used for receiving notifications in UI thread when the current page changes. |
PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeState |
State of page changes. |
PDFViewCtrl.PagePresentationMode |
Page presentation mode
PDFViewCtrl.PageSlidingListener |
Used for receiving events when PDFViewCtrl undergoes page sliding transformation. |
PDFViewCtrl.PageViewMode |
Page view mode
PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode |
Prior event mode
PDFViewCtrl.RenderingListener |
Used for receiving notifications of the start and end of the rendering of
the client area. |
PDFViewCtrl.Selection |
Class that represents the current text selection by PDFViewCtrl. |
PDFViewCtrl.TextSearchListener |
Used for receiving notifications in UI thread during the process of text search. |
PDFViewCtrl.TextSearchResult |
Text search result state
PDFViewCtrl.TextSelectionMode |
Text selection mode
PDFViewCtrl.ThumbAsyncListener |
Used for receiving events from a request for thumbnails. |
PDFViewCtrl.ToolManager |
Tool manager interface that is used for creating tools. |
PDFViewCtrl.UniversalDocumentConversionListener |
Used for receiving updates from universal document conversion when document are opened by
by openUniversalDocument(DocumentConversion) . |
PDFViewCtrl.UniversalDocumentProgressIndicatorListener |
Used for receiving notifications of the current blank page whose content
generation is in progress. |
PDFViewCtrl.ZoomLimitMode |
Zoom limit mode. |
PDFViewCtrlConfig |
This is a utility class for setting up PDFViewCtrl initially. |
PdfViewCtrlSettingsManager |
A utility class helps saving things to SharedPreferences
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment |
The PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment is the base class for other viewer classes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.FloatingNavTheme |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.SaveFolderWrapper |
Wraps either a File or an ExternalFileInfo in order to make saving easier. |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.TabListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment |
This class is deprecated.
use PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 instead
The PdfViewCtrlTabFragment shows PDFViewCtrl out of the box with a various
of controls such as AnnotationToolbar , ThumbnailSlider ,
ThumbnailsViewFragment etc.
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment.TabListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 |
The PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 shows PDFViewCtrl out of the box with a various
of controls such as AnnotationToolbarComponent ,
BottomBarComponent , and
ThumbnailsViewFragment etc. |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2.AnnotationToolbarComponentListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2.ComponentListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2.TabListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment |
The PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment is a base class for other viewer host classes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment.AppBarVisibilityListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when AppBar visibility changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment.ReflowControlListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment.TabHostListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment |
This class is deprecated.
use PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 instead
The PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment shows multiple PdfViewCtrlTabFragment
in tab layout.
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.AppBarVisibilityListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when AppBar visibility changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.ReflowControlListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.TabHostListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 |
The PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 shows multiple PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2
in tab layout. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AnnotationToolbarPosition |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AppBarVisibilityListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when AppBar visibility changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.OnPreBuildToolbarListener |
Listener called prior to building a new AnnotationToolbar. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.OnToolbarChangedListener |
Listener called when toolbar changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.ReflowControlListener |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.TabHostListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabInfo |
Structure corresponds to the information of a PDFViewCtrl tab
PdfViewCtrlTabsManager |
Manager class for PDFView control tabs
PerimeterMeasureCreate |
Point |
The Class Point. |
PointFPool |
PointF Pool Pattern to avoid unnecessary memory allocation. |
Polygon |
The Polygon class. |
PolygonCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
PolyLine |
Polyline annotations (PDF 1.5) display (open or closed) shapes of multiple edges on the page. |
PolylineCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
PopulateFolderTask |
Populates asynchronously the file info list for internal Folder
PopulateFolderTask.Callback |
Callback interface invoked regarding PopulateFolderTask . |
PopulateSdFolderTask |
Populates asynchronously the file info list for SD Card
PopulateSdFolderTask.Callback |
Callback interface invoked regarding PopulateSdFolderTask . |
PopulateUserBookmarkListTask |
PopulateUserBookmarkListTask.Callback |
Callback interface invoked when user bookmarks are populated. |
Popup |
A pop-up annotation (PDF 1.3) displays text in a pop-up window for entry and
editing. |
PortfolioDialogFragment |
A dialog that lists all files included in a PDF portfolio. |
PortfolioDialogFragment.PortfolioDialogFragmentListener |
PresetActionButton |
PresetBarComponent |
Preset bar UI Component that is in charge of handling the preset bar bar logic and UI events. |
PresetBarState |
PresetBarView |
Class that contains the Android views related to the preset bar,
and exposes necessary preset bar related API. |
PresetBarView.OnCloseButtonClickListener |
PresetBarView.OnPresetViewButtonClickListener |
PresetBarView.OnStyleButtonClickListener |
PresetBarViewModel |
View Model that manages the preset bar state
PresetButtonState |
PresetColorGridView |
A ExpandableGridView shows a list of standard preset colors. |
PresetSingleButton |
PresetStyleGridView |
PressureInkItem |
PressureInkUtils |
Helper class used to create custom Pressure Sensitive appearances for Ink annotations. |
PressureInkUtils.EraserData |
PreviewHandler |
PreviewHandler is an interface for a custom handler that
can be passed into DocumentPreviewCache GetBitmap. |
PreviewHandler.PreviewHandlerCallback |
Print |
Print is a utility class that can be used to print PDF documents. |
Print.Compat |
Compatibility layer for older API. |
Print.PrintCallback |
PrintCallback interface provides a way for users to receive callback when print job is finished. |
PrintAnnotationsSummaryDialogFragment |
A dialog that lets user select the print options including document, annotations and summary of annotations
PrintAnnotationsSummaryDialogFragment.PrintAnnotationsSummaryListener |
PrintToPdfModule |
The class PrintToPdfModule. |
PrintToPdfOptions |
ProgressMonitor |
ProgressMonitor is an interface that an application can use to indicate the
progress of a lengthy operation (such as PDFDoc.Save()). |
PTCropImageView |
PTCropImageView.CropImageViewListener |
PTCropImageViewBase |
PTCropImageViewBase.PTCropImageViewListener |
PTFloatingActionButton |
PTFloatingActionMenu |
PTRichEditor |
PushButtonWidget |
An object representing a push button used in a PDF Form. |
SavedSignatureAdapter |
SavedSignaturePickerFragment |
Screen |
A screen annotation (PDF 1.5) specifies a region of a page upon which
media clips may be played. |
ScrimInsetsFrameLayout |
SDFDoc |
SDFDoc is a low-level document representing a graph of SDF.Obj nodes that
can be used to build higher-level document models such as PDF (Portable Document
Format) or FDF (Forms Document Format). |
SDFDoc.SaveMode |
SearchRedactionDialogFragment |
Used for mark redaction annotation with search result. |
SearchResultsAdapter |
A TextSearchResult array adapter for showing search results
SearchResultsAdapter.ViewHolder |
SearchResultsView |
A Relative layout that shows search results
SearchResultsView.SearchResultsListener |
Listener interface for search result events
SearchResultsView.SearchResultStatus |
SearchResultsView.Section |
A class contains information about search result section
SearchResultsView.Theme |
SearchSettingFragmentBase |
SearchToolbar |
SearchToolbar.SearchToolbarListener |
SecondaryFileFilter |
This class is used for creating a PDFDoc from Android content Uri. |
SecurityHandler |
Standard Security Handler is a built-in password-based security handler. |
SegmentedGroup |
SelectionHandleView |
SelectionLoupe |
SElement |
SElement represents PDF structural elements, which are nodes in a tree
structure, defining a PDF document's logical structure. |
Separation |
Separation contains a memory buffer and CMYK components' information about rasterized separations
used in PDFDraw.getSeparationBitmaps() and PDFRasterizer.rasterizeSeparations()
Note: This class is available on all platforms supported by PDFNet. |
SettingFragmentBase |
SettingsActivity |
Settings dialog used in the CompleteReader demo app. |
SettingsFragment |
SettingsFragment.Theme |
SettingsManager |
Shading |
Shading is a class that represents a flat interface around all PDF shading
- In Function-based (type 1) shadings, the color at every point in the domain
is defined by a specified mathematical function. |
ShapeBorderStyle |
ShapedText |
The class ShapedText. |
ShapedText.FailureReason |
ShapedText.ShapingStatus |
ShortcutHelper |
A helper class for keyboard shortcuts
Signature |
This class is for creating signature annotation. |
SignatureData |
SignatureDialogFragment |
SignatureDialogFragment.DialogMode |
SignatureDialogFragmentBuilder |
SignatureFieldCreate |
This class is for creating a signature field annotation
SignatureFragmentAdapter |
SignatureHandler |
A base class for SignatureHandler. |
SignatureInfoView |
ViewGroup that captures digital signature information of a single type/label. |
SignaturePresetComponent |
SignatureSelectionDialog |
SignatureSelectionDialog.ButtonClickListener |
SignatureSelectionView |
SignatureView |
SignatureView.SignatureViewListener |
SignatureViewModel |
SignatureWidget |
An object representing a Signature used in a PDF Form. |
SimpleDateTimePickerFragment |
SimpleDateTimePickerFragment.DialogMode |
SimpleDateTimePickerFragment.SimpleDatePickerListener |
SimpleDialogViewModel<T> |
SimpleReaderActivity |
SimpleReaderActivity is derived from DocumentActivity . |
SimpleRecyclerFastScroller |
SimpleRecyclerView |
SimpleRecyclerViewAdapter<T, VH extends ViewHolder> |
SimpleShapeCreate |
This class is the base class for several shape creation classes,
e.g., LineCreate, OvalCreate, etc. |
SimpleTapShapeCreate |
SingleButtonToolbar |
A special toolbar used as edit toolbar for multi-stroke shapes. |
SinglePresetState |
SkeletalFragmentBuilder<E extends Fragment> |
Skeletal class with minimal implementation required for a Fragment builder. |
SmartHighlighter |
SmartHighlighterText |
SmartPenInk |
SmartPenMarkup |
SmartToolHelper |
SnapUtils |
SnapUtils.SnappingMode |
Sound |
A sound annotation (PDF 1.2) shall analogous to a text annotation
except that instead of a text note, it contains sound recorded from
the computer's microphone or imported from a file. |
SoundAnnotView |
SoundCreate |
SoundDialogFragment |
SoundManager |
SpacesItemDecoration |
Square |
Square and circle annotations (PDF 1.3) shall display,
respectively, a rectangle or an ellipse on the page. |
SquareRelativeLayout |
Squiggly |
TextMarkup annotations shall appear as highlights, underlines,
strikeouts (all PDF 1.3), or jagged ("squiggly") underlines (PDF 1.4)
in the text of a document. |
Stamper |
Stamper is a utility class that can be used to PDF pages with text, images,
or with other PDF content in only a few lines of code. |
Stamper |
This class is for creating stamp annotation. |
StampFragmentAdapter |
StampManager |
Singleton class to manage stamp signatures. |
StampManager.SignatureListener |
StampStatePopup |
StandardRubberStampAdapter |
StandardRubberStampPickerFragment |
StandardStampOption |
The option for creating a standard rubber stamp. |
StandardStampPreviewAppearance |
StateListDrawableBuilder |
A builder class to programmatically create state list drawable
StatusBarView |
A Status bar view that can show/ hide based on full screen flags. |
StickyHeader |
StickyNoteCreate |
This class is for creating a sticky note annotation. |
StickyRecyclerView |
STree |
STree is the root of the structure tree, which is a central repository
for information related to a PDF document's logical structure. |
StrikeOut |
TextMarkup annotations shall appear as highlights, underlines,
strikeouts (all PDF 1.3), or jagged ("squiggly") underlines (PDF 1.4)
in the text of a document. |
StrokeOutlineBuilder |
StrokeOutlineBuilder is a class used to generate a stroke outline. |
StrokeOutlineBuilder.TipOptions |
StructuredOutputModule |
The class StructuredOutputModule. |
StylePickerGridViewAdapter |
StylePickerView |
StylePickerView.OnBackButtonPressedListener |
This method is used for back button in toolbar pressed event
StylusFragmentBase |
SVGConvertOptions |
SwipeDetector |
A simple swipe detector for View
TabActionButton |
TabActionButtonTheme |
Table |
A Table is a content node that contains a grid of cells. |
TableCell |
A class representing a table cell, which can be used during document creation. |
TableCell.CellAlignmentHorizontalVals |
TableCell.CellAlignmentVerticalVals |
TableRow |
A class representing a table row, which can be used during document creation. |
TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent |
Tablet version of AnnotationToolbarComponent which contains a preset style section
in the annotation toolbar. |
TabletPresetBarView |
Tablet version of PresetBarView . |
TabsFragmentBase |
TabSwitcherAdapter |
TabSwitcherDialogFragment |
A fragment that shows all tabs, only used on phones. |
TabSwitcherEvent |
TabSwitcherEvent.Type |
TabSwitcherItem |
TabSwitcherViewModel |
TempDoc |
TemplateDocument |
The class TemplateDocument. |
Text |
A text annotation represents a "sticky note" attached to a point in
the PDF document. |
Text2PDFOptions |
TextDiffOptions |
TextExtractor |
TextExtractor is used to analyze a PDF page and extract words
and logical structures that are visible within a given region. |
TextExtractor.CharRange |
TextExtractor.CharRange object represents a range of text
based on Unicode character indices. |
TextExtractor.Compat |
Compatibility layer API. |
TextExtractor.Line |
TextExtractor.Style |
A class representing predominant text style associated with a
given Line, a Word, or a Glyph. |
TextExtractor.Word |
TextFieldCreate |
This class is for creating multiline text field
TextHighlightCreate |
This class is for creating text highlight annotation. |
TextHighlighter |
This class can be used to highlight all search results. |
TextInputDialog |
TextInputResult |
Utility class for gson
TextInputViewModel |
TextLinkCreate |
This tool is for creating link annotation by selected text
TextMarkup |
Text markup annotations shall appear as highlights, underlines,
strikeouts (all PDF 1.3), or jagged ("squiggly") underlines (PDF 1.4)
in the text of a document. |
TextMarkupCreate |
This class is the base class for all text markup creation tools. |
TextRange |
The TextRange is used to store the necessary information and perform certain
It may be the result of a text search, or simply a couple of highlighted or
underlined words. |
TextRedactionCreate |
TextRun |
A TextRun is a content element that represents a single run of text. |
TextSearch |
TextSearch searches through a PDF document for a user-given search pattern. |
TextSearchResult |
TextSearchResult is used by the TextSearch class for returning a search
result. |
TextSelect |
This class selects text on pages. |
TextSquigglyCreate |
This class is for creating text squiggly annotation. |
TextStrikeoutCreate |
This class is for creating text strikeout annotation. |
TextStyledElement |
A TextStyledElement provides access to the text style properties of a
ContentElement . |
TextUnderlineCreate |
This class is for creating text underline annotation. |
TextWidget |
An object representing a Text Box used in a PDF Form. |
ThemeProvider |
ThumbAsyncHandler |
ThumbAsyncHandler is an interface for a custom handler that
that can be passed into GetThumbAsync. |
ThumbnailPathCacheManager |
A utility class used for ThumbnailWorker . |
ThumbnailSlider |
The ThumbnailSlider uses the getThumbAsync(int)
API to show thumbnails of the current page as the slider moves. |
ThumbnailSlider.MenuItemPosition |
ThumbnailSlider.OnMenuItemClickedListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when a menu item in thumbnail slider clicked
ThumbnailSlider.OnThumbnailSliderTrackingListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when a tracking touch event occurs. |
ThumbnailsViewAdapter |
A Recycler view adapter for loading thumbnail views
ThumbnailsViewAdapter.DocumentFormat |
The format of document
ThumbnailsViewAdapter.EditPagesListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when pages of the document have been edited. |
ThumbnailsViewAdapter.EditPagesProgressListener |
ThumbnailsViewFilterMode |
ThumbnailsViewFilterMode.Factory |
ThumbnailsViewFragment |
The ThumbnailsViewFragment uses the getThumbAsync(int)
to show thumbnails of the documents as a grid view. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.FilterModes |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.OnExportThumbnailsListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when pages should be exported. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.OnThumbnailsEditAttemptWhileReadOnlyListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when the user attempts to edit pages while the document is read only. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.OnThumbnailsViewDialogDismissListener |
Callback interface to be invoked when the dialog fragment is dismissed. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.Theme |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.ThumbnailsViewEditOptions |
ThumbnailWorker |
A utility class for easy bitmap handling when using DocumentPreviewCache . |
ThumbnailWorker.ThumbnailWorkerListener |
TimestampingConfiguration |
A class representing a set of options for timestamping a document. |
TimestampingResult |
A class representing the result of testing a timestamping configuration. |
Tool |
The base class that implements the ToolManager.Tool interface and several
basic tool functionalities. |
ToolbarActionMode |
Toolbar action mode
ToolbarActionMode.Callback |
Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed (see android.view.ActionMode.Callback). |
ToolbarButton |
ToolbarButtonType |
Default toolbar items available in the annotation Toolbars. |
ToolbarDao |
ToolbarDatabase |
ToolbarEntity |
ToolbarFragment |
A base fragment class used to provide basic support for an embedded Toolbar widget. |
ToolbarFragment.Delegate |
This class defines a delegate which can be used to add inset-aware toolbar functionality to
any Fragment fragment inside a FragmentActivity. |
ToolbarItem |
ToolbarItemDao |
ToolbarItemEntity |
ToolbarSharedPreferences |
Class that controls toolbar shared preference settings such as: storing the last used tool,
storing the last used toolbar, storing the customized toolbars
ToolbarSwitcherButton |
ToolbarSwitcherButtonTheme |
ToolbarSwitcherCompactButton |
ToolbarSwitcherDialog |
ToolbarSwitcherDialog.Builder |
ToolbarSwitcherDialogTheme |
ToolbarSwitcherItem |
ToolbarSwitcherState |
ToolbarSwitcherViewModel |
View Model in charge of managing ToolbarSwitcher's state. |
ToolConfig |
Helper class for config tools and tool related customize stuffs
ToolConfig.PanLongPressSwitchToolCallback |
A functional interface for pan tool switch tool when long pressing on annotation
ToolManager |
This class implements the PDFViewCtrl.ToolManager
interface. |
ToolManager.ActionGoBackListener |
ToolManager.AdvancedAnnotationListener |
This interface can be used to monitor advanced annotation events from various tools. |
ToolManager.AdvancedAnnotationListener.AnnotAction |
Enum to define the annotation actions for the fileCreated event
ToolManager.AnnotAction |
ToolManager.AnnotationModificationListener |
This interface can be used to monitor annotation modification events such as added/edited/removed. |
ToolManager.AnnotationPermissionListener |
Callback for annotation permissions
ToolManager.AnnotationsSelectionListener |
This interface can be used to monitor annotation selection changed event. |
ToolManager.AnnotationToolbarListener |
This interface can be used to monitor tools interaction with annotation toolbar
ToolManager.BasicAnnotationListener |
This interface can be used to monitor basic annotation events such as selected/unselected. |
ToolManager.DialogListener |
This interface can be used to intercept dialog events. |
ToolManager.EdgeEffectListener |
This interface can be used to listen to viewer edge effect events
ToolManager.ExternalAnnotationManagerListener |
This interface can be used to provide custom key for annotation creation
ToolManager.FileAttachmentAnnotationListener |
ToolManager.FullSaveListener |
Callback to notify subscribers that a full PDF save is required
ToolManager.OnGenericMotionEventListener |
This interface can be used to monitor generic motion event
ToolManager.OnLayoutListener |
This interface can be used to listen for when the PDFViewCtrl's onLayout() is triggered. |
ToolManager.PdfDocModificationListener |
This interface can be used to monitor any modification events that change the structure of
the PDF document such as page manipulation, bookmark modification, etc. |
ToolManager.PdfOutlineModificationListener |
ToolManager.PdfTextModificationListener |
This interface can be used to monitor PDF text modification events
ToolManager.PreFlingListener |
ToolManager.PresetsListener |
ToolManager.PreToolManagerListener |
This interface can be used to avoid executing Tool's code in the ToolManager
implementation (the events will be called before Tool's ones). |
ToolManager.QuickMenuListener |
This interface can be used to detect if the built-in Tools quick menu item has been clicked. |
ToolManager.SnackbarListener |
ToolManager.SpecialAnnotationListener |
ToolManager.StampDialogListener |
ToolManager.Tool |
This interface is used to forward events from PDFViewCtrl.ToolManager
to the actual implementation of the Tool. |
ToolManager.ToolChangedListener |
This interface can be used to listen for when the current tool changes. |
ToolManager.ToolManagerChangedListener |
Listener called when the ToolManager has changed. |
ToolManager.ToolMode |
Tool modes
ToolManager.ToolModeBase |
Base tool mode
ToolManager.ToolSetListener |
This interface can be used to listen for when a new tool is set as current tool of ToolManager. |
ToolManagerBuilder |
ToolManagerBuilder is a helper for constructing ToolManager with xml configuration and
set ToolManager to PDFViewCtrl
For example, you can initialize ToolManager as following:
ToolManager toolManager = ToolManagerBuilder
.build(getActivity(), mPDFViewCtrl);
where mPDFViewCtrl is an instance of PDFViewCtrl
ToolManagerViewModel |
View Model for ToolManager that allows you to observe tool change events. |
ToolManagerViewModel.ToolChange |
ToolManagerViewModel.ToolSet |
ToolStyleConfig |
A helper class for configuring style of annotation creator tools. |
TopCropImageView |
TopToolbarMenuId |
TouchAwareRecyclerView |
TransparentDrawable |
This class is used for drawing a grey rectangle border and a red line inside,
It is used to represents the transparent color
TrashAdapter |
TrashAdapter.Theme |
TrashDao |
TrashDatabase |
TrashEntity |
TreeNode<T extends LayoutItemType> |
Modified by PDFTron
TreeViewAdapter<T extends LayoutItemType> |
Modified by PDFTron
TreeViewBinder<VH extends ViewHolder> |
Modified by PDFTron
TreeViewBinder.ViewHolder |
TrustVerificationResult |
The detailed result of a trust verification step of a verification
operation performed on a digital signature. |