Use Tree Navigation
public abstract class


extends BaseTool
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

This class is the base class for all text markup creation tools.


Inherited Constants
From class
From class
Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
TextMarkupCreate(PDFViewCtrl ctrl)
Class constructor
Public Methods
int getCreateAnnotType()
Gets what annotation type this tool can create
abstract ToolManager.ToolModeBase getToolMode()
The overload implementation of getToolMode().
boolean isCreatingAnnotation()
The overload implementation of isCreatingAnnotation().
boolean onDown(MotionEvent e)
The overload implementation of onDown(MotionEvent).
void onDraw(Canvas canvas, Matrix tfm)
The overload implementation of onDraw(Canvas, Matrix).
boolean onFlingStop()
The overload implementation of onFlingStop().
boolean onMove(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float x_dist, float y_dist)
The overload implementation of onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float).
boolean onQuickMenuClicked(QuickMenuItem menuItem)
When quick menu clicked, creates text markup annotation
boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e)
The overload implementation of onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent).
boolean onUp(MotionEvent e, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode priorEventMode)
The overload implementation of onUp(MotionEvent, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode).
void setupAnnotProperty(int color, float opacity, float thickness, int fillColor, String icon, String pdfTronFontName)
Inherited Methods
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface

Public Constructors

public TextMarkupCreate (PDFViewCtrl ctrl)

Class constructor

Public Methods

public int getCreateAnnotType ()

Gets what annotation type this tool can create

  • annot type for annotation creation tool, or unknown for non-creation tool.

public abstract ToolManager.ToolModeBase getToolMode ()

The overload implementation of getToolMode().

  • the mode/identifier of this tool.

public boolean isCreatingAnnotation ()

The overload implementation of isCreatingAnnotation().

public boolean onDown (MotionEvent e)

The overload implementation of onDown(MotionEvent).

public void onDraw (Canvas canvas, Matrix tfm)

The overload implementation of onDraw(Canvas, Matrix).

public boolean onFlingStop ()

The overload implementation of onFlingStop().

public boolean onMove (MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float x_dist, float y_dist)

The overload implementation of onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float).

public boolean onQuickMenuClicked (QuickMenuItem menuItem)

When quick menu clicked, creates text markup annotation

menuItem The clicked menu item.
  • true if handled, else otherwise

public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed (MotionEvent e)

The overload implementation of onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent).

public boolean onUp (MotionEvent e, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode priorEventMode)

The overload implementation of onUp(MotionEvent, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode).

public void setupAnnotProperty (int color, float opacity, float thickness, int fillColor, String icon, String pdfTronFontName)

color The color
opacity The opacity
thickness The thickness
fillColor The color for filling
icon The icon
pdfTronFontName The PDFTron font name