AdvancedShapeCreate |
This class is the base class for several shape creation classes that need clicks to determine
vertices vs drag and drop, e.g., Polyline, Polygon, Cloud and etc. |
AnnotEdit |
This class is responsible for editing a selected annotation, e.g., moving and resizing. |
AnnotEditAdvancedShape |
This class is responsible for editing a selected advanced shape such as polyline, polygon and cloud. |
AnnotEditLine |
This class is responsible for editing a selected line or arrow, e.g., moving and resizing. |
AnnotEditRectGroup |
This class is for selecting a group of annotations
AnnotEditTextMarkup |
This class is responsible for editing text markup: highlight/strikeout/underline, e.g., moving and resizing. |
AnnotManager |
This class is responsible for generating local annotation changes XFDF string and
merging remote annotation changes XFDF string
AreaMeasureCreate |
ArrowCreate |
This class is for creating an arrow. |
BaseTool |
CalloutCreate |
A tool for creating callout annotation
CheckboxFieldCreate |
This class is for creating checkbox field
ChoiceFieldCreate |
CloudCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
ComboBoxFieldCreate |
This class is for creating combo box field
CountMeasurementCreateTool |
CustomRelativeLayout |
a RelativeLayout inside PDFViewCtrl with
specified page position posX, posY, and page_num. |
DialogAnnotNote |
The DialogAnnotNote is the super class for all annotation dialogs. |
DialogFormFillChoice |
A dialog about choosing selection in Form choice field. |
DialogFormFillText |
A dialog about entering text in form text field
DialogFreeTextNote |
The DialogFreeTextNote is used for adding and editing free text. |
DialogLinkEditor |
A dialog editing link url/ page number
DialogNumberPicker |
A dialog about picking number
DialogStickyNote |
The DialogStickyNote is a subclass of DialogAnnotNote and is used
for all sticky note annotations. |
DialogTextSearchOption |
Dialog of given option when searching text
DigitalSignature |
Eraser |
This class is for erasing annotation. |
FileAttachmentCreate |
FormFill |
This class is responsible for filling forms. |
FreehandCreate |
This class is for creating a free hand annotation. |
FreeHighlighterCreate |
This class is for creating a free highlighter annotation. |
FreeTextCreate |
A tool for creating free text annotation
FreeTextDateCreate |
FreeTextSpacingCreate |
This class is responsible for creating FreeText annotation with custom spacing. |
LineCreate |
This class is for creating a line annotation. |
LinkAction |
A tool for handling single tap on Link annotation
ListBoxFieldCreate |
This class is for creating list box field
OvalCreate |
This class is for creating an oval annotation. |
Pan |
Pan tool implements the following functions:
- Select the hit annotation and switch to annotation edit tool on single tap event;
- Bring up annotation creation menu upon long press event.
PerimeterMeasureCreate |
PolygonCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
PolylineCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
QuickMenu |
This class implements the quick menu for tools. |
QuickMenu.FadeOutAnimListener |
fade out animation listener
when animation ends, set the fadeout view to be invisible,
and start the next coming view animation
QuickMenuBuilder |
A helper Menu class for constructing QuickMenu
QuickMenuItem |
the MenuItem inside QuickMenu
RadioGroupFieldCreate |
This class is for creating radio group field
RectAreaMeasureCreate |
RectCreate |
This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. |
RectLinkCreate |
Used for creating Rectangle link
RectRedactionCreate |
RichMedia |
A tool for handling single tap on rich media annotation
RubberStampCreate |
This class is for creating rubber stamp annotation. |
RulerCreate |
Signature |
This class is for creating signature annotation. |
SignatureFieldCreate |
This class is for creating a signature field annotation
SimpleShapeCreate |
This class is the base class for several shape creation classes,
e.g., LineCreate, OvalCreate, etc. |
SimpleTapShapeCreate |
SmartHighlighter |
SmartHighlighterText |
SmartPenInk |
SmartPenMarkup |
SoundCreate |
Stamper |
This class is for creating stamp annotation. |
StickyNoteCreate |
This class is for creating a sticky note annotation. |
TextFieldCreate |
This class is for creating multiline text field
TextHighlightCreate |
This class is for creating text highlight annotation. |
TextHighlighter |
This class can be used to highlight all search results. |
TextLinkCreate |
This tool is for creating link annotation by selected text
TextMarkupCreate |
This class is the base class for all text markup creation tools. |
TextRedactionCreate |
TextSelect |
This class selects text on pages. |
TextSquigglyCreate |
This class is for creating text squiggly annotation. |
TextStrikeoutCreate |
This class is for creating text strikeout annotation. |
TextUnderlineCreate |
This class is for creating text underline annotation. |
Tool |
The base class that implements the ToolManager.Tool interface and several
basic tool functionalities. |
ToolManager |
This class implements the PDFViewCtrl.ToolManager
interface. |
UndoRedoManager |
This class is responsible for managing the undo/redo chain and importing/exporting meta-data
from/to each state of the chain
if you wish to add a new action to be handled in UndoRedoManager,
make sure you will make necessary changes to
#isValidAction(Context, String) and
isEditPageAction(Context, String)