java.lang.Object | |
↳ | com.pdftron.pdf.PDFDraw |
PDFDraw contains methods for converting PDF pages to images and to Bitmap objects. Utility methods are provided to export PDF pages to various raster formats as well as to convert pages to GDI+ bitmaps for further manipulation or drawing.
Note: This class is available on all platforms supported by PDFNet.
Nested Classes | |||||||||||
class | PDFDraw.IntBufferData |
Constants | |||||||||||
int | e_bgr | The Constant e_bgr. | |||||||||
int | e_bgra | The Constant e_bgra. | |||||||||
int | e_gray | The Constant e_gray. | |||||||||
int | e_gray_alpha | The Constant e_gray_alpha. | |||||||||
int | e_postprocess_invert | The Constant e_postprocess_invert. | |||||||||
int | e_postprocess_none | The Constant e_postprocess_none. | |||||||||
int | e_rgb | The Constant e_rgb. | |||||||||
int | e_rgba | The Constant e_rgba. |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
PDFDraw constructor and destructor.
| |||||||||||
PDFDraw(double dpi)
Instantiates a new PDFDraw with specified DPI(Dots per Inch).
Public Methods | |||||||||||
void |
Frees the native memory of the object.
| ||||||||||
void |
Frees the native memory of the object.
| ||||||||||
void |
drawInRect(Graphics g, Page page, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Draws the contents of the page to a given Graphics object.
| ||||||||||
void |
export(Page page, String filename)
A utility method to export the given PDF page to a PNG image file.
| ||||||||||
void |
export(Page page, String filename, String format, Obj encoder_params)
| ||||||||||
void |
export(Page page, String filename, String format)
| ||||||||||
Bitmap |
getBitmap(Page page, Bitmap.Config image)
Get the bitmap for the given page.
| ||||||||||
Bitmap |
getBitmap(Page page)
Get the bitmap from given page
| ||||||||||
byte[] | getByteBuffer(Page page) | ||||||||||
PDFDraw.IntBufferData |
getIntBuffer(Page page)
Get the rendered page with its pixels in an int array.
| ||||||||||
Separation[] |
getSeparationBitmaps(Page page)
Gets the Separations from the page
| ||||||||||
void |
setAntiAliasing(boolean enable_aa)
Enable or disable anti-aliasing.
| ||||||||||
void |
setCaching(boolean enabled)
Set the caching.
| ||||||||||
void |
Enables or disables caching.
| ||||||||||
void |
setClipRect(Rect rect)
clip the render region to the provided rect (in page space)
| ||||||||||
void |
setColorPostProcessMode(int mode)
Set the color post processing transformation.
| ||||||||||
void |
setDPI(double dpi)
Set the output image resolution.
| ||||||||||
void |
setDefaultPageColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)
Sets the default color of the page backdrop.
| ||||||||||
void |
setDrawAnnotations(boolean render_annots)
Enable or disable annotation and forms rendering.
| ||||||||||
void |
setErrorReportProc(ErrorReportProc error_proc, Object data)
Set the error handling function to be called in case an error is
encountered during page rendering.
| ||||||||||
void |
setFlipYAxis(boolean flip_y)
Flips the vertical (i.e.
| ||||||||||
void |
setGamma(double exp)
Set the gamma factor used for anti-aliased rendering.
| ||||||||||
void |
setHighlightFields(boolean highlight_fields)
Enable or disable highlighting form fields.
| ||||||||||
void |
setImageSize(int width, int height)
SetImageSize can be used instead of SetDPI() to adjust page scaling so
that image fits into a buffer of given dimensions.
| ||||||||||
void |
setImageSize(int width, int height, boolean preserve_aspect_ratio)
Set the image size.
| ||||||||||
void |
setImageSmoothing(boolean smoothing_enabled)
Set the image smoothing.
| ||||||||||
void |
Enable image smoothing.
| ||||||||||
void |
setImageSmoothing(boolean smoothing_enabled, boolean hq_image_resampling)
Set the image smoothing.
| ||||||||||
void |
setOCGContext(Context ctx)
Set the Optional Content Group (OCG) context that should be used when
rendering the page.
| ||||||||||
void |
setOverprint(int op)
Enable or disable support for overprint.
| ||||||||||
void |
setPageBox(int region)
Selects the page box/region to rasterize.
| ||||||||||
void |
setPageTransparent(boolean is_transparent)
Set the page color to transparent.
| ||||||||||
void |
setPathHinting(boolean enable_ph)
Enable or disable path hinting.
| ||||||||||
void |
setPrintMode(boolean is_printing)
Tells the rasterizer to render the page 'print' mode.
| ||||||||||
void |
setRasterizerType(int type)
Set the core graphics library used for rasterization and rendering.
| ||||||||||
void |
setRotate(int r)
Set the rotation value for this page.
| ||||||||||
void |
setThinLineAdjustment(boolean pixel_grid_fit, boolean stroke_adjust)
Set thin line adjustment parameters.
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||
![]() |
The Constant e_bgr.
The Constant e_bgra.
The Constant e_gray.
The Constant e_gray_alpha.
The Constant e_postprocess_invert.
The Constant e_postprocess_none.
The Constant e_rgb.
The Constant e_rgba.
Instantiates a new PDFDraw with specified DPI(Dots per Inch).
dpi | the input DPI |
PDFNetException |
Frees the native memory of the object. This can be explicity called to control the deallocation of native memory and avoid situations where the garbage collector does not free the object in a timely manner.
PDFNetException |
Frees the native memory of the object. This can be explicitly called to control the deallocation of native memory and avoid situations where the garbage collector does not free the object in a timely manner.
PDFNetException |
Draws the contents of the page to a given Graphics object.
g | Java GraphicsBase object |
page | The source PDF page. |
x | This option is deprecated and will have no effect. |
y | This option is deprecated and will have no effect. |
width | the width |
height | the height |
A utility method to export the given PDF page to a PNG image file.
page | The source PDF page. |
filename | The name of the output image file. The filename should include the extension suffix (e.g. 'c:/output/myimage.png'). |
PDFNetException |
page | The source PDF page. |
filename | The name of the output image file. The filename should include the extension suffix (e.g. 'c:/output/myimage.png'). |
format | The file format of the output image. Currently supported formats are: - "RAW" : RAW format, raw BGRA data. - "BMP" : Bitmap image format (BMP) - "JPEG" : Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format - "PNG" : 24-bit W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format - "PNG8" : 8-bit, palettized PNG format. The exported file size should be smaller than the one generated using "PNG", possibly at the expense of some image quality. - "TIFF" : Tag Image File Format (TIFF) image format. - "TIFF8" : Tag Image File Format (TIFF) image format (with 8-bit pallete). - "GIF" : Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). (PDFNet V4.5 and up) Use PNG8 instead. - "JP2" : (PDFNet V4.5 and up) JPEG2000. |
encoder_params | a SDF dictionary object containing key/value pairs representing optional encoder parameters. |
PDFNetException |
page | The source PDF page. |
filename | The name of the output image file. The filename should include the extension suffix (e.g. 'c:/output/myimage.png'). |
format | The file format of the output image. Currently supported formats are: - "RAW" : RAW format, raw BGRA data. - "BMP" : Bitmap image format (BMP) - "JPEG" : Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format - "PNG" : 24-bit W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format - "PNG8" : 8-bit, palettized PNG format. The exported file size should be smaller than the one generated using "PNG", possibly at the expense of some image quality. - "TIFF" : Tag Image File Format (TIFF) image format. - "TIFF8" : Tag Image File Format (TIFF) image format (with 8-bit pallete). - "GIF" : Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). (PDFNet V4.5 and up) Use PNG8 instead. - "JP2" : (PDFNet V4.5 and up) JPEG2000. |
PDFNetException |
Get the bitmap for the given page.
page | The source PDF page. |
image | The input image |
Get the bitmap from given page
page | the input page |
Get the rendered page with its pixels in an int array.
page | the input page |
Gets the Separations from the page
page | The source PDF page. |
PDFNetException |
Enable or disable anti-aliasing. Anti-Aliasing is a technique used to improve the visual quality of images when displaying them on low resolution devices (for example, low DPI computer monitors). Anti-aliasing is enabled by default.
enable_aa | whether to enable or disable anti-aliasing |
PDFNetException |
Enables or disables caching. Caching can improve the rendering performance in cases where the same page will be drawn multiple times.
PDFNetException |
clip the render region to the provided rect (in page space)
PDFNetException |
Set the color post processing transformation. This transform is applied to the rasterized bitmap as the final step in the rasterization process, and is applied directly to the resulting bitmap (disregarding any color space information). Color post processing only supported for RGBA output.
mode | is the specific transform to be applied |
Set the output image resolution. DPI stands for Dots Per Inch. This parameter is used to specify the output image size and quality. A typical screen resolution for monitors these days is 92 DPI, but printers could use 200 DPI or more.
Note: The size of resulting image is a function of DPI and the dimensions of the source PDF page. For example, is DPI is 92 and page is 8 inches wide, the output bitmap will have 92*8 = 736 pixels per line. If you know the dimensions of the destination bitmap, but don't care about DPI of the image you can use pdfdraw.SetImageSize() instead.
Note: if you would like to rasterize extremely large bitmaps (e.g. with resolutions of 2000 DPI or more) it is not practical to use PDFDraw directly because of the memory required to store the entire image. In this case, you can use PDFRasterizer directly to generate the rasterized image in stripes or tiles.
dpi | the new DPI |
PDFNetException |
Sets the default color of the page backdrop. By default, the page color is white.
Note: If the page backdrop is set to transparent, the page backdrop will be ignored.
r | the red component of the page backdrop color. |
g | the green component of the page backdrop color. |
b | the blue component of the page backdrop color. |
PDFNetException |
Enable or disable annotation and forms rendering. By default, all annotations and form fields are rendered.
render_annots | True to draw annotations, false otherwise. |
PDFNetException |
Set the error handling function to be called in case an error is encountered during page rendering.
error_proc | Error handling callback function (or delegate in .NET) |
data | Custom data to be passed as a second parameter to 'error_proc'. |
PDFNetException |
Flips the vertical (i.e. Y) axis of the image.
flip_y | true to flip the Y axis, false otherwise. For compatibility with most raster formats 'flip_y' is true by default. |
PDFNetException |
Set the gamma factor used for anti-aliased rendering.
Note: Gamma correction is used only in the built-in rasterizer.
exp | is the exponent value of gamma function. Typical values are in the range from 0.1 to 3. Gamma correction can be used to improve the quality of anti-aliased image output and can (to some extent) decrease the appearance common anti-aliasing artifacts (such as pixel width lines between polygons). |
PDFNetException |
Enable or disable highlighting form fields. Default is disabled.
highlight_fields | true to highlight, false otherwise. |
SetImageSize can be used instead of SetDPI() to adjust page scaling so that image fits into a buffer of given dimensions. If this function is used, DPI will be calculated dynamically for each page so that every page fits into the buffer of given dimensions.
width | - The width of the image, in pixels/samples. |
height | - The height of the image, in pixels/samples. |
PDFNetException |
Set the image size.
width | image width |
height | image height |
preserve_aspect_ratio | whether to preserve aspect ratio |
PDFNetException |
Set the image smoothing.
smoothing_enabled | whether to enable image smoothing |
PDFNetException |
Enable image smoothing. The rasterizer allows a tradeoff between rendering quality and rendering speed. This function can be used to indicate the preference between rendering speed and quality.
Note: image smoothing option has effect only if the source image has higher resolution that the output resolution of the image on the rasterized page. PDFNet automatically controls at what resolution/zoom factor, 'image smoothing' needs to take effect.
PDFNetException |
Set the image smoothing.
smoothing_enabled | whether to enable image smoothing |
hq_image_resampling | whether to use a higher quality (but slower) smoothing algorithm |
PDFNetException |
Set the Optional Content Group (OCG) context that should be used when rendering the page. This function can be used to selectively render optional content (such as PDF layers) based on the states of optional content groups in the given context.
ctx | Optional Content Group (OCG) context, or NULL if the rasterizer should render all content on the page. |
PDFNetException |
Enable or disable support for overprint. Overprint is a device dependent feature and the results will vary depending on the output color space and supported colorants (i.e. CMYK, CMYK+spot, RGB, etc). By default overprint is enabled.
op | 0: always disabled; 1: always enabled; 2: enabled for PDF/X files only. The default is 2. |
PDFNetException |
Selects the page box/region to rasterize.
region | Page box to rasterize. By default, PDFDraw will rasterize page crop box. |
PDFNetException |
Set the page color to transparent. By default, PDFDraw assumes that the page is imposed directly on an opaque white surface. Some applications may need to impose the page on a different backdrop. In this case any pixels that are not covered during rendering will be transparent.
Note: If page transparency is enabled, the alpha channel will be preserved when the image is exported as PNG, TIFF, or RAW.
is_transparent | Set to true if the page's backdrop color is transparent; If is_transparent is set to false the page's backdrop will be a opaque white surface. |
PDFNetException |
Enable or disable path hinting. Path hinting is used to slightly adjust paths in order to avoid or alleviate artifacts of hair line cracks between certain graphical elements. Path hinting is enabled by default.
enable_ph | whether to enable or disable path hinting |
PDFNetException |
Tells the rasterizer to render the page 'print' mode. Certain page elements (such as annotations or OCG-s) are meant to be visible either on the screen or on the printed paper but not both. A common example, is the "Submit" button on electronic forms. By default, print mode flag is set to false.
is_printing | set to true if the page should be rendered in print mode. |
PDFNetException |
Set the core graphics library used for rasterization and rendering. Using this method it is possible to quickly switch between different implementations. By default, PDFDraw uses the built-in, platform independent rasterizer.
type | Rasterizer type. |
PDFNetException |
Set the rotation value for this page.
Note: This method is used only for drawing purposes and it does not modify the document (unlike Page::SetRotate()).
r | the new rotation value |
PDFNetException |
Set thin line adjustment parameters.
pixel_grid_fit | if true (horizontal/vertical) thin lines will be snapped to integer pixel positions. This helps make thin lines look sharper and clearer. This option is turned off by default and only works if path hinting is enabled. |
stroke_adjust | if true auto stroke adjustment is enabled. Currently, this would make lines with sub-pixel width to be one-pixel wide. This option is turned on by default. |