Interface: TextAttributes

Core.ContentEdit. TextAttributes

TextAttributes types.
Name Type Description
boldStyles Array.<Object> Array of objects representing bold styles and their character counts.
boldStyles[].bold boolean Bold style value.
boldStyles[].characterCount number Character count for the bold style.
fontColors Array.<Object> Array of objects representing font colors, their character counts, and color indices.
fontColors[].fontColor string Font color value.
fontColors[].characterCount number Character count for the font color.
fontColors[].colorIndex number Color index value.
fontNames Array.<Object> Array of objects representing font names and their character counts.
fontNames[].fontName string Font name value.
fontNames[].characterCount number Character count for the font name.
fontSizes Array.<Object> Array of objects representing font sizes and their character counts.
fontSizes[].fontSize string Font size value.
fontSizes[].characterCount number Character count for the font size.
italicStyles Array.<Object> Array of objects representing italic styles and their character counts.
italicStyles[].italic boolean Italic style value.
italicStyles[].characterCount number Character count for the italic style.
underlineStyles Array.<Object> Array of objects representing underline styles and their character counts.
underlineStyles[].underline boolean Underline style value.
underlineStyles[].characterCount number Character count for the underline style.
leadings Array.<Object> Array of objects representing leadings.
leadings[].leading number Leading value.
textAligns Array.<Object> Array of objects representing text alignments.
textAligns[].textAlign string Text alignment value.
