Class: Label

UI.Components. Label

new Label(properties)

Creates a new instance of Label.
Name Type Description
properties Object An object that contains the properties of the Label Item.
Name Type Argument Description
dataElement string The data element of the label item.
label string The text to be shown as the label.
title string <optional>
The tooltip of the label item.
style Object <optional>
An object defining inline CSS styles for the label, where each key represents a CSS property and its corresponding value.
className string <optional>
String with CSS classes to be applied to the label, allowing additional styling and customization through external stylesheets.
const labelItem = new instance.UI.Components.Label({
 dataElement: 'label1',
 title: 'Testing Label',
 label: 'Label 1',




Sets the style of the Item (padding, border, background, etc.)
Name Type Description
style Object An object that can change the CSS style of the Item component.
Inherited From: